Welcome to the new school

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"More or less recovered, my sister and I continued on our way to school. We walked in silence, having made the unspoken decision not to recall the situation that had happened to us. It turned out to be difficult for me, because the tongue still felt the taste of blood on itself. When nothing was left before the school building, I decided to linger and take a little more walk. I hate it when Kasumi worries, but I had no other choice. We study in different classes and therefore cannot always be together, so we are not the first to leave. I promised that if I feel bad, I will call, and she fled to school. Now we must have physical education. I'm going to buy coffee in the nearest stall. "

 With these thoughts, blue-haired girl went to the nearest store. Since it is early morning, there has been practically no line-up. Taking out the phone from her bag, Juvia sent a message to her friends, Alice and Luke, that she would be late so that they would not worry.

"Please give me a jar of coffee." She asked, taking money out of her purse. When the saleswoman turned and met her blue gaze, fear flashed on the woman's face and eyes, and she shuddered, which did not go unnoticed by Lockser.

"Why can't people look me in the eye? They immediately begin to fear or say unpleasant things. They look as if in front of them is not a human girl, but some kind of monster. It has always been so, as far as I remember. But why? What did we do to them? Where does this discrimination come from? " Juvia thought sadly. Taking a jar, while trying not to meet her pale saleswoman, she left the store.

Sitting on the first shop she got, she opened a can and began to drink coffee.

"Families are different. Someone is lucky, someone is not very, but I definitely have the first option. Dad, mom, sisters ... They are the only people who have always been kind to me. Although ... there was another person. His name was Jellal . I have not thought of him for a long time. I tried to forget everything. Once we were together. I really loved him. He was like a ray of light in the darkness surrounding me. But one day ... Jellal changed. I do not know why. He did not behave as usual. Until that day, everything was fine, but here it was as if replaced. The first thing I noticed then was the tattoo that appeared on his face. Jellal did not say that he wanted to get a tattoo. He never spoke of them. Usually he always smiled, was very kind and caring to me. He answered my feelings when I confessed to him. At that moment I felt the happiest. We met and made friends a few years ago, met for six months. And then we broke up. He apologized and said that everything was over between us. I wanted to know why. He did not answer and only pushed me away, again whispering "sorry." Can this be called a betrayal? Probably. This pain is comparable to the pain of loss ... It is impossible to describe. Maybe it's because of my strength? Did he learn about them and get scared? All this time I tried not to think about him and almost forgot, but the meeting with that pink-haired boy awakened these memories. That's because he reminded me of Jellal . His look ... Only Jellal looked at me like that. Who are you, the pink-haired boy in the scarf? " She asked mentally, raising her eyes to the sky, where, among the clouds, his face appeared.

Throwing a can of coffee underneath the trash, Juvia jumped off the bench and ran to the school building seen in front.

"It's not so bad. Even if Kasu and I cannot see each other at school, I have someone to spend time with. Friends. I can't believe that I have them! This is so cool! "The girl thought with a smile.


- "And here is my new school. And here is the class itself. And, of course, classmates. Where without them? I wonder what her facial expression will be when she finds out that we are studying in the same class ... "- Natsu interrupted his thought when he realized that he did not see a girl with blue hair anywhere. - "Just don't say that we are in different classes or she studies at home."

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