Welcome to the Fairy Tail, Juvia Lockser

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"This boy's name is Natsu. Say "hello", Juvia. Don't be shy, it doesn't bite. - Inessa said with a smile, leaning over her little daughter, who was now hiding behind her, her fingers clutching the hem of her dress.

— She's so cute!" - the brunette, the friend her mother had told her about, exclaimed in a clear, enthusiastic voice.

Despite the fact that little Juvia had loving parents and two sisters, she was still lonely. I wanted to have friends with whom I could walk, play, read, and not be shy. But her naturally shy nature and fear of being bullied again prevented her from going out into the yard, on the Playground, and offering someone friendship. This usually ended with teasing from a potential friend and her crying.

So her mother decided to take matters into her own hands. She had made an appointment with an old friend. She had a son, the same age as Juvia herself, who was also single and wanted friends. Today they went for a walk and met them.

My mother's friend was a dark-haired, gray-eyed, pretty young girl. Next to her, holding her hand, was a boy who only looked like his mother. Bright hair the color of Sakura he most likely took from her father.

"My name is Natsu!" -the boy smiled broadly as he came up to her and held out his hand. - Let's be friends!


- Hi, Natsu! Long time no see. - The blue-eyed girl smiled, the first to come out of her stupor at meeting the boy she now calls her best friend.

He, unlike her, was still in a stupor. Her eyes look up and down at her, her mouth opens and closes like a stranded fish, her cheeks burn like a fever patient, and it seems that a little more steam will come out of her ears.

- Natsu? - Juvia broke the too-long silence again, blinking in confusion. — Are you all right? Natsu? - she leaned forward and waved her hand in front of his eyes.

-Ahem — ahem, - silence decided to interrupt guy with scarlet, as blood, the hair. He looked older by a year or two, and seemed to be some sort of prefect. — Welcome to The Fairy Tail. I'm sorry we didn't meet you right away. There were some problems. - At these words, he cast a dark look at the boys standing next to him, which made even Natsu come to his senses and pull his head into his shoulders. — But it's all right now. My name is Eric Scarlet. - He smiled and held out his hand.

- Juvia Lockser. - Taking a deep breath in and out of her mind, she plucked up the courage to hold out her hand in response.

"What a strong grip!" - she almost exclaimed aloud as her armoured fingers closed around hers.

— You already know me. - Kasumi smiled, not noticing how she made gray blush again.

— As I said, I was supposed to meet you and give you a tour, but due to some problems, Natsu and Gray will handle it. - He put his hands on top of their heads, ruffling their hair. — Please give these lovely girls their new home. Have a nice time. Your sister will be with you soon.

With these words, the red-haired youth withdrew, leaving the four alone with each other.

"Shall we go? I'm taking him as my guide. - Kasumi clasped gray's forearm with both hands, looking at him with eyes shining with curiosity. — Will you show me your magic? Please-please!

"Yeah ... Of course. No problem, " - Gray muttered, blushing to the tips of his hair, walking with her like a robot.

"Hooray! - Kasumi walked next to him, not letting go of his hand, which the dark-haired man didn't seem to mind.

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