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"I've never understood why people ... ordinary, non-magic-wielding people treat us magicians this way. As if we were somehow different from them. We are also human, but we have an innate power. Anyone, no matter what age, can master it. I thought the time when witches and wizards were burned at the stake was over. There are, of course, those who receive power from demons, but this does not mean that you need to row all under the same comb. For example, these children." — Igneel looked at Natsu and Juvia.

According to snatches of their conversation, the boy was trying to teach his girlfriend to ride a Bicycle. On the girl's face is surprise, curiosity, and inherent uncertainty. But, as everyone knows, Natsu's determination can be enough for everyone who lives here. After all, if this kid is up to something, he will definitely do it.

He helped Juvia onto the bike and led The way. The girl carefully pedals, nervously swallows saliva, looks at him with a pleading look, saying, do not let go of the bike. Natsu smiles, showing a thumb with his free hand, and leads the bike with a friend sitting on it around the village, holding it with his hand and telling something along the way.

He looks so happy at this moment. What only are shining eyes and a smile, and about the child's delight in the girl's sapphire eyes, he does not speak at all. Now these two are happier than ever. Were they so happy in their past life? Maybe, but probably not often. Their ringing, friendly laughter is like music to his ears.

But before the girl starts her new life here, she has to do something. Pass one test.


"A test?" - Juvia cocked her head to one side.

— Yes. - He nodded, leading her to the right spot. — Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not going to make you do anything dangerous. I just want to see what you can do now and what we'll work on. Your sister has already passed it.

- Really? - Juvia asked. — When?

— Before I came here." - She had her own personal test. Would she be able to hold back and not make the terrible mistake of letting her emotions get the better of her?

"Can she not kill the man who caused her sister so much pain? Even half-breeds find it hard to stay sane in these situations. It doesn't matter if you are a full-blooded demon, a half-breed, or just got power from them. There will always be darkness in the depths of your soul. And depends on you, absorb it or you will remain deep inside, behind many locks." — Igneel frowned, briefly lost in itself.

"I wonder what he's thinking now?" - the girl thought curiously, looking at his dark expression.

— Come. - He stopped abruptly. The girl stopped, too, and looked ahead.

They came to a large, fairly spacious clearing that looked like a sports field. In the middle of this field stood a huge statue, as it seemed to her at first, in the form of a knight in armor and a spear in his hand.

— What should I do?" — cautiously, began visibly nervous, asked Loksar looked at Ignia, then the knight.

— Win. Use everything you can. However, don't give in to anger, much less rage. Fight with a cool head.

"Easy to say, use a cool head. It gives me the creeps to see this huge thing. But if I want to save Gerard one day and help Natsu, then...I have to do this. Think of your family, your friends, and your goal. They say it helps and doesn't allow fear to take over the mind. I hope that's true."

"I can handle it, Ignil," - she said in a Calm but firm voice, looking at him resolutely.

"I need to use all my abilities, right? I hope I don't turn this place into another Antarctica." — She raised her hand to her face, a small blue ball appeared in the center of her palm. - "This power... it's really a part of me. Just the thought of her makes her appear. I can feel it in every cell of my body, like it's another arm or leg or blood running through my body. At the same time, I am not cold at all. It doesn't make me uncomfortable. On the contrary, as if he wants to encourage, give confidence, help. If so ... please help me defeat this opponent.»

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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