Frozen heart

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Kasumi couldn't bring herself to enter her sister's room for a long time. What happened to them recently... it was more like a nightmare than a reality. This shouldn't have happened. How is this even possible? Why does he do such terrible things? Why does he hate their family so much?

With these thoughts, the blue-eyed girl took a deep breath, exhaled, and slowly opened the door, carefully looked inside. A small room in white tones, a nasty smell of medicine, an IV, a beeping machine with a heartbeat displayed on it. There is only one in the room on a bed and now a young, blue-haired girl is lying unconscious on it. Now she is sleeping peacefully, resting and gradually recovering.

Her gaze was immediately drawn to the strands of hair that were scattered across the pillow. Until recently, they were waist-high, and now they are shoulder-high. Half of the face, particularly the left eye, is bandaged. The bandages are white, obviously new.

- Ju... - Kasumi covered her mouth with her hand, trying not to cry. She sat on the edge of the bed and squeezed her sister's cold hand. — Forgive me.... I'm sorry, Ju... It is because of me that you are here now... because of me that you have received such a terrible wound... Tears ran down her cheeks, dripping onto the sleeping woman's palm. — Intervened... You've always protected me... since we were kids... I've always wanted to fight with you... to help, to be there for you, to support you... But, as usual, it only made it worse...

She lowered her head, pressing her forehead against the back of her hand, no longer holding back her sobs and tears.

When she heard the door creak and the sound of footsteps behind her, she turned, thinking it was her father. But when her eyes met the brown ones, it was like a bolt of lightning. The tears were gone, replaced by anger. She stood up and turned to face the intruder, her fists clenched and her blue eyes cold and hateful.

— What else do you want? Isn't it enough that my sister is lying here? She almost died! Because of you, you bastard! Why did you even show up in her life?! " she cried, holding her hands out in front of her. The pupils of her eyes narrowed.

At the same moment, long icicles appeared from the walls, crossing near Jellal's throat. He took a couple of steps back and they only scratched the skin on his neck.

— I came to see her. — Also coldly, in a low voice, he replied, raising his hands in front of him in a conciliatory manner.

"See her?" Her every word was laced with venom and hatred. The skin on her face was covered with swollen veins, indicating that the girl was barely restraining herself from attacking him. Like a Cobra opening its hood, warning a possible enemy of danger. — If I had my way, I would kill you without a second thought. People like you deserve to die. But my sister loves you too much. I'm sure she'll forgive you even for this, finding another excuse for your actions. I don't know why you're with him, and I don't want to know. However, you must know that while I am here, you will not lay a finger on her.

— I wasn't going to. —  he said, also softly, looking at the pale face of the sleeping girl. I didn't have a choice. I didn't join it of my own free will. I know Juvia isn't like other demons, but he doesn't care. Acnologia lives for revenge your family, and nothing in this world will not stop. At least as long as he's alive. His time is running out, but even in this state, he is still very dangerous. He has other servants besides me. I don't want to do this, but the pawn has no choice. Very soon my mind will be under control again, so I decided to visit her while still conscious. I care about her more than you think. With that, the young man pulled his hood over his head and left the room.

Kasumi muttered darkly after him and turned to her sister and froze.

She was conscious.

- Kasu...? - the girl whispered, propping herself up on her elbows. Her blue eyes filled with tears again.

How to melt a frozen heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora