The Curse of the Lockser Family

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"After the boy passed out, Alice and Luke returned. They brought teachers and medical care. They checked his condition and said that everything was not so scary. Injuries of this kind have occurred more than once in our physical education, and, as they themselves put it, no one has died from them. Therefore, he did not even need to be in the hospital. You just need to lie down a bit in the medical center, and bandage your head. I did not agree with them. He lost a lot of blood. But who would listen to me, especially doctors? After that, our class let go of the houses, canceling the following classes. They immediately forgot about this incident and with a cry of joy ran home. I don't understand the girl who threw the ball, aiming at me, but hitting him ... How can she be calm after such a terrible act? She nearly killed him. Is her hatred of me so strong? And all because of the cut that she also deserved? I do not understand anything."

- I hope everything will be fine with him. He has such a terrible wound. - Luke, being a kind and sensitive guy, was also excited about this whole situation. "This is probably the worst first day at school."

- He will be fine. He managed to get up after such a blow and stay awake for some time. It's immediately obvious that it's strong. Just like you, Ju. Can you go see him? I see no reason to stand here and indulge in torment of conscience. If you want to correct the mistake and make amends - realize, and then do it. Good luck. - Having said this, Alice slapped the silent girl all this time on the shoulder and, together with Luke, went to the exit. -  See you later.

-Don't worry.. They will quickly put him on his feet, you'll see. The blond smiled awkwardly, trying to at least somehow cheer her up, but when he saw her empty, looking at his feet, his gaze realized that it was best to remain silent now. - See you, Ju. Alice, wait for me! - he ran an albino girl.

"Alice is right. Instead of standing in the middle of the gym and torturing yourself with guilt, it is better to go and see how he is doing. If, of course, they let me in. " - With these thoughts, the girl left the empty hall and ran along the corridor towards the school first-aid post.


" Fortunately for me, there was nobody in the office, so I was able to calmly go in.  The office met me with whiteness, unpleasant medical smells, hateful syringes and other cute things, which are found only in the medical office. "

Closing the door behind her, the girl went into the interior of the room and stopped in front of the bed on which the new victim was lying. Now he was sleeping calmly, as was evident from the peacefully rising and falling breasts. Bandages were wrapped around his head, hiding most of his pink hair underneath. And even changed clothes, as his old clothes were stained with blood.

"I came here, driven by a certain determination. I had to do it, no matter what. But what to do next, apparently, was not included in my plan. I came, made sure that he was more or less in order and would live. But what's next? He suffered because of me. Maybe not directly, but still ... If this ball hit me, and not into it, everything would be fine. Not the first time. In childhood, I was stoned and nothing, alive and well. But he ... an ordinary boy, brand new, just transferred to us. Why was this supposed to happen to him? He did not deserve it. He is ... too kind and bright to receive such a terrible punishment. "

Having moved a small chair to his bed, she sat down, and, carefully taking both hands in his palm, squeezed it, remembering how it was done in the films. But such a gesture is common for related people. Friends, relatives ... lovers. She did not know this guy, but he acted as if he had known her for a very long time. He called her by name, before losing consciousness. She does not remember him, but at the same time she feels a certain deja vu associated with him. And this is not only because he reminds her of Jellal. He saved her from hitting the ball, like a knight to his princess. He rushed without hesitation. And then he also wanted to take revenge on the one who had left him. It is terrible to imagine what he could do with her, do not stop him Juvia.

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