1. Your Quirk

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Well, first thing first, we need to establish your kick ass abilities. Don't worry, I won't make you shoot pink sparkles from your hands.

I pinky promise (•̀ᴗ•́)و

Gave you all emitter type quirks because I'm not creative in any way.
Your Quirk is an emitter type called Astral Projection. It allows you to escape your body in spirit form, and travel to certain destinations, but only if you've been there before. It's perfect for spying since everyone can't see you. Also making it amazing to pull pranks on people.

You own a Quirk named Molecular Combustion, an emitter type. This quirk gives you the ability to speed up the molecules within mostly anything, and make it explode. You can use it to explode Karens before they speak to the managers.

An emitter type called Metal Control is the Quirk that belongs to you. It gives you the ability to control literally any type of metal in existence. There's metal everywhere, so you're a mad powerhouse. If you concentrate hard enough, you can control the iron within someone's blood. Have mercy, Y/N..

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