Chapter 26

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Minho stared at us in shock for a good minute and Vernon was still clenching to him tightly.

"So why did u do it huh?" Vernon's voice was at this point broken, I felt so out of place. I didn't know anything about this yet it was such a massive part of our lives.
Minho was the reason our parents broke up?

"I- I was angry at them."

"How did he break them up?" My quiet voice asked wanting to know even if it wasn't the correct time to do so.
I slowly stood up and my head hung low when I felt Minho's stare piercing through my head.

"He told a lie; just one lie that ruined everything." 
Minho shook his head.
"You don't know anything." He muttered.
Slowly I felt my hands clenching and I felt the cold blood rushing to the fingertips.

"We have all day, Minho, do you want to explain what happened to her then?"

"I will explain what happened to both of you. You were both too young to even remember it properly."
His face was crushed and his arms laid weak by his side. Even hints of pain were briefly shown in his deep red eyes. Somehow he looked guilty.
"Don't you ever think how hard it was for me?" Minho's child like voice now shot out. "You think you guys had it hard, but you don't realised how they treated me."

Vernon's grip was still strong on his jacket but he fell back just a little.

Then Minho's voice spoke up again...

17 years ago: minho's pov;
"Stop. Minho you're just ruining it like you always do." Her tone was harsh piercing into my heart once again.
We were in the upstairs room of the house and just a small fire was going keeping the room alight. I tried to help my mom again but as she made it clear for me; I always ruined everything.
As she placed the coloured baby clothes in a drawer, my eyes studied her annoyed face and I then slowly moved my head to look down at her bulging lump on her stomach.
"Whats the point of having another child. Its just going to get mistreated like the rest of this family." 
My voice was muttered but anyone could have heard my little statement, there was only the crackle of the fire to soften it.
A burning sensation bashed against my right cheek as I expected.

"The only person I treat badly in this house is you Minho, but thats your own fault. Your brother is much better behaved than you."
I scoffed loudly with hurt in my tone.
He was only 4.
4 years old, it was stupid that I was getting compared to him.

"I'm 14 mom. Not just some toddler. Of course I'm going to be worse, I'm a teenager."

"Just- Just go downstairs. Maybe your father can put up with you."

I kicked a bucket she was using to clean with quite harshly and i watched the contents of white liquid heavily pour out.
My feet moved towards the door when I heard something strange; was it what I thought it was.

My head now in panic shot round and my eyes bulged open at the sight of high flames from the fire roaring out.
"Minho! Why did you kick my disinfectant into the fire." Her voice was clear with fear.
She grabbed a few things while holding onto her stomach and the flames started to spread onto the furniture.
"'Mom. Mom! Get out of here."

She listened to me not even caring about my safety and placed one of the baby clothes to her nose.

I fell back at the roaring fire and grabbed a cloth trying to waft it away from me.

Water I needed water.

My legs took me hurriedly out of the play room and I ran towards our bathroom filling up another bucket.
I am so dead. Why did I kick it.
Our whole house was probably going to burn down.

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