Scene 1 - Earth Cargo Shuttle XP10

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We begin this adventure by staring at a few panels from a spaceship. These panels are in the centre of the two pilot's seat. We have several white coloured buttons with a colour of levers and flashing lights along with it. Everything seems to be vibrating. The "BBC" logo will flash at the bottom of the screen before we zoom up to the pilot's cabin. Two men control the Earth Cargo Shuttle XP10. This is part of the Earth Cargo Shuttle ships, previously seen in Century 22's One By One with the Fifth Doctor. The rest of the instrumentations are designed with black steering wheels, levers operating speed and engine control. The remaining buttons, switches, and dials mark the remaining other gadgets, air conditioning, radio communications, lighting, chair positioning, etc. We see some red flashing symbol that is coming from a square, instrumented on their front dashboards. It nosily alerts the two pilots.

Other gadgets are also listed. We see a screen that marks out atmosphere, temperature, radiation, etc., as well as a computer that can be accessed and identify information by the keyboard below it. It can also detect a planet's atmosphere, location, diameter, width, and other important details. For now, we look at the back of the heads of the two pilots who look out of their impregnable, airtight windows as we see the empty void of space and its stars. They are gradually approaching a planet but is still a small spec to them. One of the pilots clicks a dial as a microphone to a recording device is activated. The men are dressed in casual clothing, as we see in other future-set stories of this era of Doctor Who.


This is Earth Cargo Shuttle XP10 reporting at English time 12 hundred overs on the 19th of March, 5001. Our course will have to be delayed due to a malfunction in our reactor. An inexplicable error has caused the reactor to overheat. The damage is not too serious, but we will stop off at the nearest safest planet in order to cool the reactor down. We are diverting course now and will relay further details shortly. Over and out.

The other pilot activates a dial that operates the radio. It booms across the ship to the two other members of the craft.


Jert and Roberts will report to the bridge immediately. We have a slight technical error here. You'd better get all the details.


I never thought I would ever divert off course from a delivery.


Better than letting it run automatically. You know what those early mechanical crafts led to. Nothing but chaos and confusion. The fault doesn't seem to be too bad. But the computer says if we take a pip-stop for an hour then we should be fit to go.


An hour?


Face it H'nell, it's either an hour or never to Voix.

Two other men arrive; Jert and Roberts. The latter character is incredibly significant in this adventure. An action man, his muscles are huge, his jaw is chiselled, his face is handsome and muscular, and has the strength and power of a tame tiger. A chirpy, down-to-earth man, he half-smiles as he awaits what his friends have to report. He and his associates arrive, as Roberts leans on the wall just behind the pilots, with Jert next to him.


What seems to be the trouble?


Just a slight error in the reactor. We just need to give it a rest for an hour before we can set off. So we've turned off to the nearest planet.


It's not too much of a diversion. But it's the closest planet we can stop off at.


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