Scene 11 - Creature Analysis

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We have returned to the GRC 666 ship. The dead corpse of the TerraPhome lies in a massive glass container. Even the tentacles that have been left to point upwards have struggled to fit inside. At the bottom of the glass are wires leading everywhere across the tables and on the floor. It connects up to a set of computers on another desk. Matella operates the set. She types busily on these clunky, thick screens to discover more about these beings. The technology she has at her fingertips are primitive, slow, and inefficient. Scab hides behind her, keeping himself away from the creature – even when dead.


Useless, infernal pieces of contraption! Why can't you give me something a bit more accurate for once?


You – you, talking to me?


No. It's this wretched piece of machinery we have. Why do they never give us enough time and money! It makes us look shoddy and cheap. Because now I can't analyse these creatures properly.


Well what do you want me to do now?


Keep out of my way. For the one who is more able, you should be the one doing the most work.

Scab crosses his arms and frowns like a child being told off. Matella looks into the computer – although she is blind, she can still infer the information. It registers onto the computer, finally.


Incredible! These beings are just from some ultimate development of life on Skullva – these beings are from... well... time. They have been in existence since the Dark Times. An ancient period of when our Earth... not even our Solar System had been... conceived.



There is some thumping above the roof, followed by some terrifying roaring. Shaking intensifies. The roaring loudens. Scabs frightened again, quivering.


More of them. Seal everything! We have to keep this place absolutely tight as possible until the others return.

We hear from the outside of the craft the locking of the ship, as the craft seals completely. More of the TerraPhomes drag their horrid, monstrous bodies up to the ship, screaming and waving and wiggling their tentacles about. A few of them have finally slithered up towards the ship and climbed aboard. It's as though they are sticking themselves to the ship and squelching themselves on it, as we see their bodies pulsating like there's water in them. They begin to cover the craft completely because they can smell flesh – and hunger for it. The TerraPhomes are almost somehow trying to search for an entrance and seep their way in, whilst also roaring and screaming monstrously. One of them has reached to the antenna, and wraps its tentacle around it, then snapping it like a twig due to its pure strength and throwing it away. The crew had no way of calling for help now – they were doomed to die on Skullva...

Doctor Who: Horror Of The GRC 666 ExpeditionWhere stories live. Discover now