Scene 9 - Uncomfortable

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We have returned back to the lab. It's a quiet scene, for the moment, with Cole, Scab, and Matella. They sit awkwardly and gloomily like nothing is happening. None of them like each other, clearly.


So why aren't you with your friend then, Matella.


It wasn't my choice.


Some leader, ay?


Don't go there. Now I'm stuck with you two. A panicking weasel and a special psycho. No actually, you Matella are quite useful when you can be. No offence.


Hay! I'm not a panicking weasel!


You will be in a moment. Matella uses her special force or whatever to tell that.


Please! Stop. This isn't helping any of us! You know I've been like this ever since I was born. Sssshhh!




There is something nearby!



Probably Roberts.


Be quiet! This is important! Roberts' thought processes are different, I sense that. What I sense through his rushing mind I cannot infer. There's something odd, peculiar about it. If not... the same peculiar nearby.

Something drops. A piece of metal smashes to the ground nearby. The three jump in fright. Cole picks up her pistol and begins to approach the back of the lab, which through the doors is where the crash sound came from. She approaches cautiously, as the others keep back. Remaining calm and controlled, Cole closes the door.

No! Come back!


Oh, shut up. I know what I'm doing. Is that you, Roberts? It's very funny, you know that! You just wait until I get inside!

Cole eventually makes it to the sliding doors. With bravery, she presses the button to open the sliding doors. ROAR! One of the Terraphome creatures screams at her! It lashes its tentacles at her, wrapping and squeezing at her. She cries in terror as the monster roars. Her gun is dropped as the tendril around her arm squeezes it out of her, as the pistol drops to the gun and smashes. We see the electric volt of the gun blip as the gun smashes. Scab screams like a little girl, as he and Matella step away from the hideous monster. The monster's eye fills with anger and hatred at the terrified Cole. She begs and pleads, but the arms of the creature were far too strong.


With one quick slip, the tentacles suck her into the opening mouth, burning with red and devouring her up with one terrifying roar. The creature chews its prey, swallowing and gulping her up in one. It then opens its hideous mouth and roars furiously again. Matella stands neutrally as Scab yells out again. The Terraphome slithers its slimy, wet tentacles and body out into the lab with its huge monstrous eye set on the pair of them to feast off them. The monster is slow but deadly. It dribbles disgustingly as it approaches slippery. Its main octopoid body touches with the broken gun and electrifies itself. With one loud, screaming roar it roars its last and drops its huge body that has dragged itself in with. SMASH! It collapses – dead. The pair stop for a moment, panicked and shocked by the events that just took place.


Oh my! What the hell is that!


Stop a minute. We need to think.




Your panicking makes you easier prey.


What do you mean PREY! HOW AM I, PREY! HOW! HOW!


Never mind. That creature that just came in was let into the ship. It's dead now. Killed by the electric current running in the gun. Hope said she saw something in the bog earlier that matched a similar description to the being here. Ray guns had no effect on it. But electricity does.


More are going to be coming. THEY'RE COMING! THEY'RE COMING TO EAT ME!

He shivers nervously, cowering down onto the ground and biting himself with huge wide eyes and exaggerated, animated facial expressions looking at the corpse of the monster.


They never listen to me. That's the only one on the ship. It was let in – by Roberts. He let it in, thinking one would just be enough to kill us. Now he has left the ship – for the others! He's going to let those things eat the rest of the crew. We've got to help them!


Oh no! We're staying here when it's safe. You just stay right there, Matella. I have to protect myself. Seal everything! Seal everything! We've got to protect ourselves! Myself! At all costs! Cole was right in you being useful. You can detect these things. And I'm not letting you out of my sight.

Scab rushes to seal everything and protect himself. Matella can't do anything because she is powerless. He stops when he sees the creature lying dead on the ground with its wet tentacles drying up as its slime from its body drips onto the ground like it's melting. Outside the ship, however, we see the ship directly in front of us. The bogs nearby are beginning to bubble and thrive. One particularly big bog sees larger amounts of smoke pour out from, as we see the huge tentacled TerraPhomes rise up from the swamps. Similarly, to the rising of the Sea Devils, Marshmen, or Heamovores, TerraPhomes rise up from the swirling smoke with many slippery tendrils, dancing and wriggling as they rise up. Their eyes frown with hatred as the creature's roar. They slither their bodies up and begin approaching the ship. Around the ship, dozens begin approaching, and slithering their tendrils and bodies around it with sickening roars and booming – hungry to feed off flesh...

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