Scene 4 - Rose's Spa

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The Doctor has rushed to the outside entrance of the spa Rose relaxes in. It is sealed off by a white sliding door, marked differently from the texture of the rest of the prestige, opaque-coloured wall. He has arrived outside. The door is sealed, and the Doctor activates the control console marked right to it, by pressing the button next to it as a scan activates.


Rose. Rose!

We get a glimpse inside. Steam fries inside the spa. We can hardly make out inside because of it before we eventually see Rose lying on her front as relaxes calmly. We only see down to her shoulders, but we understand that she is being massaged. She might groan in relief at the feeling of total comfort and relaxation. Her eyes are shut and is resting her head on the pillow. In front of her, we see a selection of candles and several pretty yellow flowers, and a communicator device. We leave a shot of her there for a few moments before there is a ringing of the device. The Doctor and Rose will be able to see each other via a monitor. It activates, as Rose sighs in the annoyance of disruption.

You enjoying it in there?


Yep. Hmph. I'm not done for another two hours, you back already.


Well, let's just say I was interrupted.


What do you mean?


Looks like our little stay on Tranquility Flora will have to be halted early. Well, I think we've done as much as we can here, considering. But as they say, duty calls.


Why? What's happened?


We need to go now – now.


Doctor! What's happened?

The Doctor stops for a moment, looking down at the ground. He is trying to think about how he can tell Rose about his information.


We've got to go. Now. I'll explain later. I can't tell you here.

Rose sighs sadly, then we see her get up.

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