Scene 17 - All Dead

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We are now inside the TARDIS. The Doctor and Rose are around the console again. The pair are at each end of the control console as the Doctor is busy looking at the scanner, in which he watches, as we did, footage of the "GRC 666" logo in the bog. Rose comes around, and the Doctor quickly changes the picture of the scanner to that of the normal blue with diagrams.


What are you looking at?


Oh, erm, just where we're headed. Maybe we might get to finish off that holiday at Tranquility Flora.


I think we need it. We were the only ones who made it out alive there.


Yep. Still, we're always ok in the end. Us two. I said so earlier.


Yeah, but we nearly didn't that time.


Not for the crew, however. Cursed to begin with from the start it sounded like. Name was a bit of a give-away. And greedy shareholders and profiteers always out trying to save time and money. Well, to them, time is money in more ways than one. If they were given a bit more funding, they might actually do a better job from the sounds of it.


Like our friends in the opposite dimension?


Well, their equipment came from different companies, so it was to disguise what they were actually designing. Clever.


Yeah. So let's go back to our holiday.


Yeah. Yeah.

The Doctor seems a bit down about something.


You alright?


I'm always alright.

He kind of half-smiles, until eventually Rose leaves the console room and head deeper into the TARDIS. Now the Doctor is on his own again, he turns the scanner back on to view the sunken GRC 666 ship again. He is still thinking about Hope who he must believe is now dead. As we hear the sound of the TARDIS flying through the time vortex, we are left with the image of the GRC 666 logo and the sound of the swirling bog with all the dead beings inside. At least all that could have been done was to make sure that the Doctor and Rose were safe, and that TerraPhomes were dead and defeated – for now, at least...


(Next time)

(End credits)

Doctor Who: Horror Of The GRC 666 ExpeditionWhere stories live. Discover now