Scene 12 - The Wreck Of XP10

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We are now back to the wreck of the cargo ship at the start of the episode. The Doctor and the others have begun to investigate what lies in the abandoned vessel. We have no lighting aboard and simply go off the brightness of the torches the Doctor and the GRC expedition people. With a shivering sense of dread, the team begin to explore. The first they begin is in the pilot's cabin, as we hear them for a while.


You'd know this ship well, Roberts. Feel very much at home?


This is not funny.


Well I mean as you were on the ship you should know a thing or two.


I think it will be necessary and could be a good starting point, perhaps, possibly, probably, be a certain good starting area in the captain's cabin.

Hope enters first and shines her torch into the area.


Oh my-

The others enter, just as shocked as she was. They shine their torches down at the ground. What they are presented is the horrid, dried up, skeletal husk of a human. Cobwebs are covering it up entirely, as the skull is beginning to cave in and decay, whilst the bones are brittle and dry, and would easily smash. The controls are dead and covered in cobwebs too. They all approach cautiously, and the Doctor, Rose and Hope bend down to investigate. With his glasses, the Doctor can now inspect easier.


Well, w-w—w-w-what has happened?


Poor old soul. One of the TerraPhomes must have got him. Like the way they did to poor Sandra and Phil.


And it's just disposed of him as a dried-up husk.


Then now we know what's happened to him. And what's happened to the rest of the crew ship.


It's horrifying.


I don't think we'll bother with the details. What matters is that we need to get off this planet, at once. Skullva will have to be declared totally unsafe. Don't you agree, Captain Stip?


Hold on. If this is the dead waste of the creature, then it must have disposed of him here then. So it must have got in somehow and left him there.


You-you-are-you-are, erm... saying, that they can they, get inside the craft?

There is thumping against the craft, and furious roars scream, echoing from outside! The TerraPhomes are outside and attacking! SMASH! SMASH! SMASH! SMASH! From the other end of the ship, something is smashing, and breaking its way in! Brontan dashes out with his gun loaded.


They're coming! You stay here! I'm going to blast these things to hell!


No, don't!

They all watch him hurry out, knowing his fate. Down the alleyway that leads deeper into the craft, the roof crashes through – some of the wrecks which was simply a hole laid over with falls on top of Brontan. He cries out as one of the TerraPhomes crashes down onto him, and quickly wraps its tentacles around Brontan as the monster roars furiously at him. He screams as the Doctor pulls Rose into his arms to protect her. The others fire their laser beams at him but there is no effect! They all watch as Brontan is grotesquely slurped up and devoured by the creature with one terrifying last scream, and one hideous roar. The Doctor can use the Sonic Screwdriver to power up the craft a little. There is still some storage left in the batteries. He powers it up enough for the doors to be sealed, just in time before the monster begins slithering its way towards them.

That hole was there the whole time. Sorry. No pun intended.


That was horrible.


Well, I told him not to move. Stupid idiot.


Doctor, that's not funny! That could have been us!


Hay, Rose, you alright?


I want us to both get out of here alive and in one piece.


Rose, trust me. We will. We're going to be ok!

They look at each other again. The creature begins smacking itself against the cabin entrance, trying to get in by bursting its way in. It roars again and rubs itself along it.


Well, err, err, err, if we are-we are, going to be ok, how are we going to be ok if we are going to leave to erm... be erm... ok?


Doctor, if you can still charge up the craft then there is still power left in it. What will happen if we created an electrical charge at the door? We don't know if we can fry these beings out. It's our only way out.


And if it works, we can use the electricity against them as a weapon.


If it works? How would you know with your qualifications?


Yeah but what will happen after this one then?


Alright. Alright. Hope, take out any electrical circuits and power supplies that we can use to generate a current. We can throw it at these beings or electrocute them in their bogs.


Ingenious. Y-you are indeed a-a-a most intelligent scientist.


I'm every kind of scientist! Now, step away!

The Doctor uses the Sonic Screwdriver against the door to electrocute it. The creature screams horrifically from behind the door as it is blasted from it. It drops dead onto the ground, motionless, and its arms tensed and withered like a dead beetle. Its eye is left wide open.


You are killing them!


Well, that is the idea. But that's the only way we can get out.

Hope comes to the Doctor with a handful of numerous electronic circuits and boards of instrumentations.


Will this do?



The Doctor charges them up with the Sonic. They don't touch the actual wires themselves; they just hold them at the side. Hope holds the majority of them.

Hope, you lead. Now, to see whether this will all work.


We must be whole, all of us. To join again!

The Doctor uses the Sonic to now open up the entrance – and are displayed with the dead TerraPhome. Hope leads out first quickly, followed by Rose, the Doctor, Stip, then Roberts. They jump over the dead creature's corpse, doing their best to avoid the horrid monster. Roberts stops by it, looking down in anger at the dead beast. Still under possession, even though it hasn't been revealed in the dialogue, he rushes away. Now, for the others, death surrounds them. The Doctor's plan must work...

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