Scene 15 - Sinking The Ship

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The ship begins tilting. With the extra aggressive force of the monsters, the ship loses balance and is gradually beginning to sink into the bog. It bubbles, seethes, smokes, and fries. The GRC 666 slowly deepens into the thick sludge, as it is churned up into the water to drown. The TerraPhome monsters sink down with it! Inside, the Doctor, Rose and Hope work it out.


The monsters are closing in.

They are beginning to reach the bottom.

The added pressure must have forced us the hardest land to eventually collapse and cave in. Now, we have no hope of escaping out. We're trapped down here.


But we're still here. They can't get in.


Maybe, but we don't have any more charges. Our ship won't last out forever. It's still a tin box, remember. They will eventually find a way in. And now were submerged in water, the air won't last out forever. And it was you wasted them all on the mother one.


I did it to save the Doctor's life. You just stood there, helpless.


Oh, come on you two. Have a bit of optimism. We can get out of this.


Doctor, we can use your ship to escape from here.


Is she going to have to come with us?


Oh, I am sorry. Am I intruding in something between you two?


Well actually as it happens, you are.


Look, ladies, we don't have time to be arguing. Why don't you just come aboard my TARDIS, and then we can all escape. That is our only option left now. Obviously, the minions can tell that their mother is dead, and their anger and hatred towards it must have sunk us down, logically anyway.


Fine mess, clearing up that thing.

We view the massive corpse of the mother. Eventually, the GRC 666 slumps down at the bottom of the bog, finally, with one huge smack. BUMP! The monsters continue to slap their tentacles on the ship powerfully and attempt to break-in.


Seems as though the anger and hatred aren't just outside the ship, Doctor. You clearly don't want me aboard.


Oh, now, she didn't mean it like that.


Don't bother, Doctor! You're not the problem. Well, whilst you two at least getaway to forget about me, perhaps I can find a method that can get rid of these aliens once and for all. Skullva will then hopefully be safe. I have nothing else left with this job to lose anyway. Might as well get it over and done with.

The Doctor looks at her disappointedly.


Fine. If that's what you want. You'd better get on with it then.

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