Scene 6 - Skullva Arrival

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We see the GRC 666 craft descending down from space onto Skullva. Like the previous ship, it descends slowly and vertically. Its rockets blast from the bottom of the ship to allow safe cruising when touching down. They are touching down within one mile of the other ship. In the bogs, however, we see some movement and some swaying of mud. The creatures were coming out again. History is about to repeat itself. We see the ship landing in another rocky terrain that is big enough to fit the craft on. Rocky paths lead all around each side, leading into different places and sections of the planet. In some cases, they all lead around to one another. The ship nears landing. In the control room, Hope and Brontan carefully operate and steer the craft down onto a safe landing. Stip watches over them, pretending he knows what he's doing. The other members of the expedition are waiting for the touchdown.


Yes. Yes. Good. Excellent. Good. Keep her steady. One false err... move and we've had it now.

We see into one of the pools of mud. Smoke pours out from underneath as creepy, disturbing music fills us with goosebumps. A bright light shines from deep, deep, deep within. The mud begins rattling slightly, chirping, and swerving. It bubbles and hisses, squelching and slithering. Inside it, we see some tentacles writhing about. A heartbeat pumps louder and louder as something rises up from the seething water. Meanwhile, the ship continues landing down cautiously.

Steady boys. Easy there. Woah! Little to the left. We don't want to sink into one of those bogs now, do-do-do we? I, err... doubt even we with our technology could even get erm... ourselves out of a scrape such...


Sir, we need to concentrate! So, please, if you don't mind.

The others await out by the exit of the craft. They begin to hear the sound of a moaning, wheezing materialization.


What is that?


Something arrives. Materialising. Over there.


No. NO!

Stip leaves the cabin.


Alright, who opened the airlock? The ship's so faulty it doesn't even report a breach.


Goodness me!

The TARDIS had materialized, bringing a huge gust of wind with it. The Doctor and Rose suddenly exit.


Dah! Sorry about the short notice of this arrival. The TARDIS was perfectly on target.


For once.


For once. I could never steer her whenever I want to. Only when I need it.


Oh, right, well, erm, so, who err, are you?


I'm the Doctor. And this is Rose. We've come to turn this ship around.


Oh. Well, err... and err, this police box how you arrived...


You can't be here! Get off our ship at once!


Ah. And why's that?

Doctor Who: Horror Of The GRC 666 ExpeditionWhere stories live. Discover now