Scene 3 - GRC 666

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We then see a rocket dashing through space. A similar ship to the one we saw in the first scene. Although we didn't clearly see that ship then, we now glance at the magnificent craft of the GRC 666 Ship. The Galactic Rescue Corps Organisation shoot out in their rocket-like craft. The grey ship becomes far fatter as the closer the rear is. The blasters are again at the back, and the ship is quite large again for a ship carrying a small number of people. It soars past us before we view a side on shot of the craft rocketing through space and see alongside the ship the white caption of "GRC 666". We enter inside the rocket, and the craft cockpit is almost identical in shape to the cargo vessel we saw at the start. Piloting the ship is the first member of the crew; Hope. She is a feisty little woman; courageous, powerful, tame, a person who knows what she wants, a person who you typically wouldn't want to pick a fight with. Underneath her tough persona, she is in fact a terribly sweet and kind person. Her co-pilot is Brontan, a dutiful and likeable person. Adventurous and excitable, he adores exploring new planets and rescuing people from grave danger. As the previous people, the GRC members are dressed in relatively casual clothing. Hope clicks a microphone to begin her report.


This is Galactic Rescue Corps 666 reporting on the 23rd November 5001 at English time 5: 15 PM, our estimated time of arrival to touchdown on Skullva will within the next hour and a half. Over and out.


You know, whenever we are off on an assignment, I can never withstand the excitement of our next mission. And this time, we have no idea what we'll face out there. It's not necessarily a rescue operation, it's more of a... a sort of... explore what went wrong kind of thing.


Just ask that Zombie. Or Vampire, considering he never leaves his room. I'm still not exactly convinced with his story. Crashed spaceship that happened to be conveniently standing by and was fully operational with fuel in it. If these monsters he described were really dominating the planet, they probably would have destroyed all forms of means of escape out. Those kind of Cargo Vessel ships are almost identical to our ones, except for the extra rescue gadgets our organization have installed.


Well, at least we're prepared for it. It's not like anything can happen to us. We're always alright, aren't we?

No answer. A man has arrived in. He is the leader of this expedition. Dressed in a black suit with a tie, highlighting his authority of leadership because, well, this man is really a bumbling fool. He stutters, waffles verbal diarrhoea, improvises and flip flops the ways in which he governs the expedition. His top button is undone, his shirt, hair and tie are a mess, and his shoelaces aren't done up.


Ah, good afternoon, Hope, and err... err... Brontan. Do we-we-we-we have the err-the err-the err, err, log and all to report our mission with?


Yes sir. We have everything ready. All the data is ready and available whenever we need to access it. You already asked us five minutes ago.


Oh, well, did I? Ah, well, erm, good. Good. And our estimated time to arrive, or-or-or when we approach the planet.


ETA to touchdown – an hour and a half.


Ah, splendid. Excellent. Yes, and-and-and I will go to report the data, and information, to the people who need to know, as in with regards to our fellow people who are waiting for the information and data to be reported.

Doctor Who: Horror Of The GRC 666 ExpeditionWhere stories live. Discover now