chapter 20

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Suhana pov

My eyes, throat,my whole body is in pain...i able to open my eyes  after so many struggle,i saw a nurse ...she saw me and smiled "hello,thank god you are awake ,let me call the doctor"

My throat was dry,so i asked for water ,she bought me a glass of water then went outside.

Some moments later i saw lisa running towards me and i think she wanted to hug me but after seeing me like this she just clutch my hands tight and show me her smile but i knew she was crying ,she thought she i cant understand but she can't hide anything,whatever happened to me if i were in her shoes i would have freaked out

"How are you feeling suhana?" I smiled at her "i am fine...just ..feeling pain" my whole body is aching from pain..suddenly my mind went to the person who tried to molest me " did you find me?" She sighed "that doesn't matter ,we found you at the right time and i don't want you to talk or think about that moment right now,you need rest" i was confused "we?" "Umm i mean me and a man .I was looking for you then heard your scream then that man helped me and he took care of him"

"Where is he (cough) then, i need to thank him" "actually he is not here...he has some work,so he has to go" something doesn't felt right,i know she wanted to say something else but she decided not to.

"Hello miss,i am glad you are are you feeling?" "I am feeling pain all.over my body,my throat is hurting so bad ..."

"Its from the struggle and from mental stress or you can say the panic attack you went through..i have already talked with your fiancee but still as a doctor i need to talk with you"

"What fiancee?" I saw lisa's eyes were wide . "listen,suhana ...i told you about the man who helped you,actually,he told the doctor about him your fiancee " can he "ssssh..." She looked at the doctor and gave him a smile "he had to...suhana you were in the state where you needed to operate as soon as possible but the hospital has some rules ,so he did that for your well...i am not your family and i don't know your any family member's number ,so i.was helpless and he came as a saint who.helped us when you needed him"

When i heard my family i got scared ,no family member of mine should know about this...they can't..already they are upset about boro api and if they get to know about my condition they will be devastated.They know i am alright ,i was getting well which i was indeed but whatever happened today i don't know if i would forget this ever or how many days,how many months or years will take me to forget it...i don't want to go Through by those nightmare but i think it will never leave me...never...

I don't know how but a tear escaped from my eye "suhana..what happened?

" sleep..we will talk about this later and can you please call my api and say her that i am gonna stay at your home for today..please i don't want them to worry " "but suhana" "please..try to understand..its...just..its a sore topic in my family and my family have bad history about getting their daughter hurt ,they had enough and there is something happened in my life which i want to forget and that thing made me panic today .I know you have lots of questions but please its a sensitive topic of my life and i still get nightmares ,so i am not ready to talk with anyone about it and if i think that i should share about it then i will tell you by myself " oh,okay..but it will be better if you talk to someone ,its not because i am curious but i have seen you in very bad condition and i don't want you to see like this again.. "

"I know..its just i am not ready will take time.." "Okay..whatever you say.. Anyway give me your api's number i will talk to her and  i think you should sleep"

2 days later...

Third person POV...

Suhana didn't share anything with her family nor with anyone else..she always do this ,never share her problem,never share her pain,her  struggle,her nightmares with anyone.No one can understand her problem..she thought she was finally able to overcome her nightmare but what happened two days back it feels like that dreadful moment  rebirth again in front of her face .

She is now tired..tired of everything..she wants to share her pain with someone..who will understand her words..her feelings..she can't share this with her family,friend then her thought went to adam..she don't know why ,why his thought came over to her mind ,he is nobody to her but why...

She was searching for her friend then she saw him with her friend..they were talking about  something..she was shocked seeing him with her friend..she didn't approach them,she just stay behind the wall.

When she asked her friend she just denied to meet any man. She was confused why she was lying to her. Suddenly someone pat on her shoulder "hello are you ?i am sorry i couldn't present while you called me,i was busy in some family issue".. "Suhana..i know what happened..and i am truly sorry that i wasn't there to help are like my hurts me so much thank god adam was there to help you"

She was not fact she was now confirmed that she didn't see wrong at that day..he was with her..he was there for her ..he was there to  coo hold save her...he didn't let it happen..he heard her plea ,he heard her unsaid pray..but she was confused about one thing..

"Adam?who adam?" "Oh..i am sorry were not there ..actually the day when that horrendous thing happened to you..our dean announced our new trustee...adam.bateman..our new trustee..even though i knew him from our previous meetings but never thought to find him as our new trustee..i mean he is so young for this..but he is a good man..

Which he proved by saving you from that demon..i can't even believe people like that study in our university..when one student try to harm another one..its just too shameful..when a man don't know how to treat a woman ,he don't have the right to live in this society...

I even saw the news..i think karma serves  him right..i shouldn't say it like this ..but i think now he will realize how to feel helpless when someone touch you in an inappropriate way..

Man like him is a disgrace to our society..but there is another man..who is pride..pride for us..just like Adam...he saved a girl who don't even know..

You have no idea..he was about to kill that boy  if we were not there to hold him back..he took you to the hospital..and didn't let anyone go know about this matter..cause he didn't want to cause you the news of the day...its your personal matter what you want to do with the man who tried to impure your chastity..

I consider you as my daughter..that night i couldn't sleep ,i don't want to imagine how your real father might went through .."

"Actually i didn't informed my parents.." "What,what are you talking about?" "I ...i..thought it parents have already faced many problems in their life..their life revolves around us..we are their life..and this news would break their heart more..specially my dad..and about that man..i was about to complain but when i heard the news i knew whoever punished him or how god handle his deed it was enough for this way he will never hurt any other woman by using his power.."

Professor patted her head.."i want you to take care of yourself..i can't lose another daughter..." She holds hands of the old man.."i will..." He smiled at her...


Adam was here early ..just to know about her..he became trustee just to be close with her life somehow..he wanted to be in her life without her knowing ..but he never dreamt that he get to see her like this..vulnerable..crying ,shaking ...helpless..but what she don't know..seeing her like this broke her..all he saw is one can mess with his he took care of that very precisely..people who will harm his loved ones..for those..there is no place for in his dictionary..

He wanted to stay beside her all the time..but he know how she despise his presence..but he is okay if he have to protect her by staying far away for her..but he will never leave her side..for even a moment..she became his one can price this treasure..she is god gift to him..and he will protect what...he will not let her go know that..he just can't..

With heavy heart he was about to enter into his car but one voice startled him..

"Done with hiding? ...if you are then.. can we have some words..?"

Hey guys..i know i haven't update it since june..well i am.having some problem with this app..still dealing with it...have my studies..presentation..i was busy...i hope you can understand...

Hope you like this chapter...❤

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