Through The Dragon's Teeth

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'Dragons' - Dragonese


They finally managed to open the door. Hiccup and Roana kicked down the door and let out sighs of relief. The riders quickly got on deck and spotted Marina as she got on deck as well. The dragon riders dodged all the activity going on as they went over to Marina.

"Finally got out?" Merida asked.

"Yes, finally." Marina replied.

On the deck, Kale was shouting orders to the crew as they made adjustments. Marina and the riders ducked as Rat swung on the ropes above their head. Vlad, a bulker and European looking man, spins his plank around causing the group to duck quickly. His eyes widened in surprise as he noticed their crouched form.

"Oh, pardon me my ladies and lads." He apologized politely.

Marina sighed as she straightened herself up and stared ahead of them. Her face paled as she stared up at the daunting, jagged, rocky cliffs before them. The sky above it was a dreary grey and the opening to it was barely enough room of the ship to fit through.

"The Dragon's Teeth?" Marina whispered worriedly. The dragon riders looked at her in surprise before glancing back at the cavern warily. They heard a noise from above and watched as Rat leapt off the main sail and hung in front of them.

"Indeed Señoritas and Señors. Only the most FOOLISH OF CAPTAINS would dare venture into the teeth." Rat told them, shouting out at his captain bitterly as he did.

"Rat rig the port sail!" Sinbad scolded from across the ship. The man shrugged at Marina sheepishly.

"Excuse me senorita." He told Marina bashfully and whipped out of sight.

Marina pursed her lips thoughtfully and made her way to the back of the ship where Sinbad was holding the wheel with the riders behind her.

"Are you sure-" Merida started.

"Yes we've done this kind of thing before." Sinbad interrupted.

"But-" Carlos began.

"No, there is no other way." Sinbad interrupted again.

"But you-" Marina protested.

"And yes, you have my permission to stand there quietly and get a free lesson in sailing." Sinbad interrupted once more.

"You know-" Marina protested again.

"Besides......a ship is no place for a woman." Sinbad told her smugly, ending the conversation.

Marina and the rider's eyes widened at Sinbad.

"He did not just say that." Roana growled with narrow eyes.

"He did." Carlos responded.

Marina, Roana, Merida, and Audrey grunted at Sinbad's insult of their femininity. Then Carlos, Merida, and Audrey went back down the stairs onto the deck while Hiccup and Roana stayed at the back of the ship.

"Jin, easy on the main." Sinbad called in warning to his crew member, who shouted back in response.

As the ship approached the foggy entrance to the Dragon's Teeth, everyone was sent into an eerie silence. Although they would never admit it, the haunting atmosphere paired with all the legends of the place frightened all of them and all they could do was look around warily. As they fully entered the only sound that could be heard was the scraping of the main sail against an overhanging rock formation.

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