Chapter 3

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I knew I would find you in here......
You finally realized who it was and started screaming.
You: Bryce please leave me alone where is Scott
Bryce: he's downstairs with everybody else Monty's still out I sent him on a scavenger hunt. I told Scott you were mad at me cuz I said something dumb and I wanted to go and apologize.
You: leave me alone
Bryce: I would but you see you are so perfect
He pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. Tears fell from your face. He began to push you down so that you were laying. He got on top of you and you started screaming.
Bryce: nobody can hear you it's not worth it but if it makes you feel better knock yourself out.
He began taking his belt off.
You: Bryce please I'm begging you.
Bryce: your gonna be begging in a little.
   ————trigger warning ————
He started pulling your clothes off and
touching your whole body. He started kissing your neck and he rubbed himself against you. You pushed as hard as you could but he was to heavy. He continued to kiss your neck. He rubbed himself against your entrance.
Bryce: ima do this for a litter longer so you can remember this moment.
He put his hand and started rubbing he inserted two fingers as you winced in pain. You started sobbing so he covered your mouth.

Monty's pov
I came back from the store to see everyone missing besides Scott, Marcus and a few boys from the team. Bryce and y/n were gone so I panicked and asked where she was.
Scott: why are you panicking she is upstairs with Bryce he said he needed to make things up with her.
I dropped the beers and ran up to the room. Scott followed because he knew I was pissed. I busted open the door to see y/n crying and Bryce on top of her. I ran to Bryce and punched him. Scott grabbed Y/n and took her to the bathroom. I was on top of him beating him up until all the boys came up and grabbed me. Bryce punched me once before some of the boys grabbed him too. Y/n came out the bathroom and ran downstairs crying.


I ran downstairs and Scott followed me into his car since Justin took my car home. All the girls were gone and I checked my phone

 All the girls were gone and I checked my phone

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I turned off my phone and started crying.
Scott: I'm so sorry I shouldn't have left you alone.
You: it's not your fault you didn't know what was gonna happen
Scott: what happened exactly all I seen was him on top of you and you were undressed. Did he rape you?
You: I don't know he didn't go in me he was about to but Monty came just in time but he fingered me I guess and it hurt.
Scott: y/n I'm so sorry are you gonna tell Justin about it.
You: I don't know when I'm ready I will. Your the only one I went into detail about it so please don't tell nobody.
Scott: deal but if you need me I'm one call away
You: thanks Scottie you pecked his cheek
Scott: hey um do you maybe wanna go somewhere?
You: now?
Scott: yea I always go when something is bothering me.
You: yea sure
Scott took you to the lake you sat on the concrete and talked all night you laid on Scott's leg while he was playing with your hair. It got cold so he gave you his jacket. You watched the sunset and left. He drove you home. While you were at the lake everything was ok again but once you passed by Bryce's house everything started flooding your mind again but you stayed quiet. You didn't say nothing.
Scott:we are here ima walk you to the door.
You: ok
He walked you then gave you a hug. He kissed your forehead.
Scott: good night beautiful remember what I said about the one call away
You: good night Scottie thank you for everything.
You went into the house and checked Justin's room. He was asleep. You woke him up by crawling into his bed.
Justin: y/n what time is it and since when do you sleep in my bed we aren't 5 anymore you know.
You: I know can I just sleep with you?
Justin: y/n you smell like beer please take a shower first. How was the party by the way did you make ton of friends.
You: yea everybody's pretty cool😔
You went to take a shower, you were almost done but you needed to wash your body and felt something drip, you looked down and saw you were bleeding. You started crying. It hurt when you tried cleaning it but you cleaned it anyways. After a while it stopped bleeding. You went to change into pjs and you winced once you touched your shoulder. You had a huge bruise then you decided to look at your body and you had hickeys on your breast. Every time you pressed the spots it hurt they were dark purple. You put on your clothes and went to Justin's room crying.
Justin: Y/n are you crying?
You started sobbing.
Justin: awn princess what's wrong? Did something happen at the party? Who I gotta kill?
You didn't wanna tell him
You: I don't wanna talk about it
Justin: I can't help if you don't tell me
You looked at him with a frown on your face. He just grabbed you and you fell asleep........

————to be continued————

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