Chapter 45

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I choose......
You: Scott.
Scott: yes (hugs you)
You: I'm sorry I just felt closer to it but this can't mess up our friendship.
Jeff: it won't
Zach: right
You: good and Jeff I think Amiya likes you.
Jeff: really?
You: yea I see the way she looks at you. Anyways I have to get ready for school.
Jeff: you ok?
You: yea my head is just hurting.
Jeff: did you take your meds?
You: not yet ima take them after I take a shower.
Jeff: ok well I'll see you at school. Me and Zach are picking up Chloe and Miya.
You: ok love you( kisses cheek)
You get in the shower and then brush your teeth. Once you get out you dry yourself off and put your clothes on. Then you do your makeup.

You finish getting ready then go downstairs to see your boyfriend handing you a fruit bowl a drink and your pills

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You finish getting ready then go downstairs to see your boyfriend handing you a fruit bowl a drink and your pills.
Scott: here eat before you take your pills. (Kiss)
You: thanks Scottie. You ready we have practice today.
Scott: yea we will leave when you eat and take your pills. I packed your bag and put it on the table. We're riding with Justin.
You: ok (eats) (then takes pills)
Scott: ok lets go.
Justin: Jess wants to talk to you mini
Jess: (on the phone)good morning bestie.
You: good morning beautiful. I miss you already.
Jess: I do too
Justin: ok I'll call you after school love you.
You all walk out and get into the car which Justin is driving since you shouldn't be driving because of your pills. Scott wanted to sit with you so he didn't drive. You had taken pictures of each other in the house and posted them.

 You had taken pictures of each other in the house and posted them

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You arrive at the school and Scott puts his arm over you.
You: it's weird being back here after all that time.
Scott: well your gonna have a good day.
You walk into the school and see a sign that says Welcome back Y/n Foley. Everybody greets you and as you reach your locker everybody comes up to you. Your locker is decorated with get well soon cards but one catches your eye.
Card: Get well soon baby I know I see you everyday but I still wanted to join in. It was Courtney's idea but you deserve it. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I would probably die. You mean the world to me and I wanna marry you one day. We are gonna have kids and a house. We are gonna be happy because we belong together. But anyways if you see this you got well and came back to school so I'm proud of you for fighting baby-Monty♥️
You shove it in your locker and go to the gym.
Scott: I'll see you after practice baby.(kisses)
You: ok bae have fun(hugs)
You and the team start practicing

You: guys that was great but Kenzie stand still so you won't fall back. Chloe great practice. You did amazing! Lenny put your arms out straight. Kyle great strength. Hit the showers.
Amiya: your the best captain ever.
You: thanks! I know the moves but for practice Amy is taking my stop standing at the top even though she doesn't wanna perform in games she is useful so Kyle could practice the hold.
Amiya: yea let's go get ready.
You: ok but Miya...
Amiya: yea?
You: what if I bump into Tyler.
Amiya: he hasn't been at school after Bryce and Marcus had a talk with him.
You: what do you mean talk?
Amiya: I don't know I seen them go into the bathroom and then come out quickly. Tyler came out with blood on his head.
You: oh my god what do you think they did?!
Amiya: don't know let's go hit the showers before we're late.
You: okay...
you guys take a shower then get your books out of your lockers. The card falls out when you take out your first period book.
Amiya: what's this?
You: the card Monty taped to my locker.
Amiya: why didn't you leave it up with the rest?
You: I don't really want it anymore I'm really tryna move on.
Amiya: can I read it?
You: Go ahead.
Amiya: (reading it) awn that's so cute.
Scott: what is?
You: um all the cards.
Scott: yea did you read mine yet.
You: not yet I have so many to read.
Scott: ready to go to class?
You: yep come on Miya. Um actually we will catch up.
Scott: ok babe don't be late (walks away)
You: Miya throw it out please.
Miya: ok
You: come on we are gonna be late. (Turns around) (spills drink on pants)
Monty: shit I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention.
You: it's ok 😕 (walks to bathroom)
Miya: you ok?
You: yea it just some water.
Miya: that's not what i meant and you know it.
You: oh yea Im fine help me dry this before we are more late to class.
You dry your pants and get a late pass. Then walk into class.
Teacher: nice of you to join us girls.
You: sorry ma'am (walks to seat)
Scott: why are you late?
You: I spilled the water on myself.
Scott: oh ok.
You: my head is hurting.
Scott: here take your pill. (Gives you pill)
You: I don't have a water anymore.
Scott: here drink mine.
You: ok (takes pill) thanks baby (kisses)
Scott: your so beautiful you know that.(pushes hair aside)
You: your so handsome.
Scott: I love you Foley
You: I love you too Reed.
Scott: y/n Reed has a nice ring to it.
You: yes it does one day we are gonna have to make it official.
Scott: yes we will(kissing jaw)
You:(giggles) baby that tickles.
Scott: this tickles(Kisses jaw again)
You: (giggles) yes babe it does.
Scott: your smile is so pretty.
You: awn baby thanks
Monty: um can I go to the bathroom(mad)
Teacher: yes take the pass.
Monty: thank you (rushes out)
5 minutes later you hear the lockers being punched. The bell rang and you began going to your next class.
You: ughh I hate not being able to be with you ever class.
Scott: I know baby but I'll see you at lunch ok.
You: ok baby (kisses)
Scott: I love you princess. (Kisses)
You: I love you too (walks into class)
Monty: what the fuck!!!!........

————to be continued————

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