Chapter 18

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y/n you ok......
You: yea I know my mom and dad would be here if they could. There getting money for me and Justin not just for themselves.
•••••••••••••time skip•••••••••••
Jeff: ima go for a beer run
You: maybe you shouldn't go. (Pointing at cup)
Jeff: It's coke lil sister.
You: please be safe brother
Jeff leaves the house and gets into his car.
It's been 20 mins and Jeff hasn't came back yet the store wasn't far. It was 5 minutes away but he took the car because he didn't wanna carry all the beer.
You: babe?
Monty: yea my love.
You: Jeff's been gone for too long I'm getting worried.
Monty: he's probably talking to some girl baby your over.....
clay: y/n!!!!
You: Clay what's wrong
Clay: Jeff got into a crash.
You got up from the couch and ran out the house. Clay took you to the car he was in.
You: oh my god Jeff. I need you to stay with me please. Somebody call 9-1-1. Jeff breathe please.
The cops came a few minutes later. You didn't wanna be away from him.
Officer #1: excuse me miss we need to take him to the hospital.
Officer #2: (in radio) we have a teenage boy about 16 years old that's been in a crash please stand by at hospital.
Officer #1: miss we need you to step back!
Monty had to pull you screaming and crying. You fell on the floor and sobbed into his shoulder. You stayed there for a few minutes before Monty carried you back to the house. He put you in your room and him and Justin cleared everybody out. You haven't spoken in a hour you just stared at a spot. Monty tried talking to you but you didn't wanna be bothered. Monty went to sleep in the guest room Scott slept on the couch in your room. You heard Monty crying through the walls. Tears streamed down your face.
You: it was all my fault I shouldn't have let him go knowing he had been drinking.
Scott: (grabs your face) it wasn't your fault ok don't say that.
You sob into Scott's chest.
You: I'm scared Scottie I can't lose him.
Scott: it's gonna be ok y/n/n. I promise.
You: ima go lay down with Monty. Ima go make sure he's ok.
You walked into the room to see Monty's eyes puffy. You could tell he's been crying. Seeing him like this broke your heart.
Monty: hey baby
You: can I come lay with you?
Monty: of course my love (opens cover)
You: Monty?
You: I'm scared.
Monty: you have to say positive I will be here every step of the way.
You: how did I get so lucky with you.
Monty: by being everything I could ever ask for. (Kisses you)
You both fall asleep.
••••••••••time skip••••••••••••
You: oh my god Jeff!!!...

————to be continued————

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