Chapter 38

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(balls fist).....
You: Monty calm down.
Monty:(pins him against locker) leave her the fuck alone Tyler we know it was you who sent that picture around. (Pushes him to floor)
Tyler: stop or I'll tell!
Monty: or you'll tell? I'll tell the cops you posted that picture that's child pornagraphy. You could go to jail. So go tell if you want.
Tyler: shit.
Monty(punches Tyler in the stomach) and you hurt her last time. Stay away from her freak.
Tyler: (coughs) I'll say something about the tapes.
You: then you'll go down too you were stalking her.
Scott: what tapes?
Tyler: so will you!
You: see I didn't really do anything to her. You'll go to jail it's up to you if you wanna go down. My auntie can bail us out.
Tyler: I won't tell only if you go on a date with me y/n.
You: hell no tell and I'll tell my auntie you blackmailed Hannah into saying all that stuff.
Tyler: fine but Clay might tell. (Leaves)
Scott: what tapes guys?
You: nothing Scott
Scott: either you tell me or I will ask Tyler or Clay. Or maybe Sherri.
You: fine when Hannah did that she left tapes of 13 reasons why she did it.
Scott: how did you hear them?
You: me and Monty are #1
Scott: oh well let's go back to class.
Mr.E: everything ok guys?
You: yes Monty just got upset about the boys comments.
Mr.E: class if I catch you saying that stuff about any female I will suspend you myself. No girl likes that. Now back to the lesson class.
Jess: what happened out there?
You: Scott knows about the tapes now Tyler blurted it out.
Jess: we need to ask Alex to keep him calm he's the only one cool with him.
The rest of the class finished and the bell rang. You and your friends walked to the parking lot.
Alex: hey y/n you feeling better?
You: yea um Alex I we need you to do a favor.
Alex: what's up
You: make sure Tyler doesn't tell anybody else about the tapes.
Justin: shit who did he tell?!
Scott: me but I won't tell anyone
Alex: we can trust him guys
Jeff: of course. You ready to go?
Monty who's riding with who
Jeff, Miya,and Scott: y/n and Monty
Alex, Ryan Courtney: Jess and Justin
Jeff and Marcus: there isn't enough space.
You: Scott can drive and I'll sit on Monty or Jeff's lap.
Jess: Courtney you can drive and I'll sit on Justin's lap?
Courtney: um sure Marcus can ride with us.
You: thanks I know it's kinda tight but all your parents dropped you off.
You all get in the cars and Scott drives to your house and Courtney follows. Your sitting on Monty's lap. Even though Jeff wanted you to sit on his. You get home and unlock the doors. Everybody gets in and you sit on the couch between Monty and Jeff. You weren't feeling good. When you were leaving you went to go to the bathroom and on the way back to the car Tyler slammed you against the lockers. You hit your head hard as your back slammed into the locker. You fell to the floor and sat there for a minute or 2 until Clay helped you up but you ran off because he was asking you questions about the tapes. Ever since that your back and head have been in pain.
Jeff: everything ok princess?
You: yea I just don't feel good.
Monty: what's bothering you?
You: nothing
Monty:ok my love (rubs back)
You: ow Monty don't touch right there
Monty: why?!
You: nothing
Monty: come upstairs with me now!
You: no Monty I wanna stay down here
Monty: I wasn't asking! (Pulls you upstairs)
You: Monty what the hell
Monty: (grabs you and pulls up your shirt) what the fuck who did that?! Scott come up here!
Scott: what's up?
Monty: you know anything about this?!
Scott: teddy bear who did that to you?
Y/n: he told me not to tell you.
Monty: who babe tell me
Y/n: (starts crying) Tyler.
Monty: ima kill him(walks out room)
Y/n:I don't feel so good (faints)
Monty: y/n!!!!
Scott: call 911.

Monty's pov
Y/n fainted and I stopped in my tracks and ran to her. My heart stopped. I started crying and screamed her name. Scott yelled to call 911 and Jess came up on the phone with the ambulance. All of us stood around her. The ambulance finally came and got her.
Officer Standall: what happened?
Monty: she said she fell on her back at school but she hit her head.
Officer Standall: Alex?
Alex: that's what she told us
Officer Standall: only 5 of you can come in the car the rest of you have to drive to the hospital.
Monty: I'm definitely going.
Jess: me too
Jeff: I have too
Justin:she's my family
Scott: I'm not letting her leave my sight. So me.
We all jump in the ambulance truck and go to the hospital the nurse takes her to the room and tells us to stay behind.
Monty: I'm not leaving her!
Nurse: I can't have her tested unless you stay out here.
Monty:(punches wall) fuck!
Nurse: please calm down we will let you in as soon as possible.
I sat down with my hands on my head I was so worried that she wasn't gonna be ok.
Jess: Monty she's gonna be ok (hugs you)
Monty: (breaks down) I'm so scared to lose her
Jeff: what happened to her?
Alex: yea for real she went into the room and we don't know what happened.
Courtney: is she gonna be ok?
Amiya: I hope so.
Zach: she's a fighter she'll be ok.
Marcus: how did it happen though?
Ryan: Zach's right!
Scott: I'm so worried
Justin: I can't lose her.(starts crying)
Courtney: it's gonna be okay.
Nurse: I'm so sorry....

————to be continued————

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