Chapter 42

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good morning.........
You: good morning baby
Monty: um I'm going to school today.
You: oh um have fun. (Gets text)

Monty: who was that? You: Scottie he's hanging out with me today

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Monty: who was that?
You: Scottie he's hanging out with me today.
Monty: ight I'll see you later. (Kisses)
You: ima miss you babyyyyyyyy
Monty: I can stay if you want but you do need your work. Your A's are gonna go down.
You: I hate being a straight a student.
Monty: your smart and you don't have b's and c's.
You: you don't have d's or f's so your good.
Monty: I used to before you came along. I'm doing so much better now. All thanks to you.
You: I love you De La Cruz
Monty: I love you more Foley
You: forever?
Monty: and always
You: (Kisses) go before your late Scott should be coming in...
Scott: good morning pretty.
You: any minute.... hey Scottie.
Scott: um I brought you get well flowers.
You: my favorite thank you Scottie.
Monty: well you two have fun Scott if that machine starts beeping call the nurse and if she wants ice it's in the next room with a bunch of drinks. The vending machine is with the drinks and her movies are in that drawer. Ok bye baby
You: you sound like a dad.
Monty: good it means I'll be a great father.
You: ok be good no fighting (kisses)
Monty: ok babe (walks out)
Scott: what you wanna do?
You: step up movies. Monty bailed for school.
Scott: sure. (Cuddles up with you)
You: I've missed you.
Scott: me too but with you being in suspension I couldn't see you I was busy with school and practice.
You: I don't blame you I know how important it is to you.
Scott: thanks for understanding.
You: who has the tapes?
Scott: still Clay
You: he's taking really long and did you see that picture he sent of Tyler. (Giggles) that was more than I ever wanted to see of Tyler Down.
Scott: he sent it to the whole school.
You: oh
You and Scott watched the movies and by the time you were on part 4 the school day was almost over giving that you guys took breaks so the nurse could come and unhook you from the heart monitor and IV machine. You took your pills and laid back down. While you were watching the last message you got a text.
You: Weird Clay texted me
Scott: do you think it's about the tapes?
You: I don't know ima open it (opens it)
Scott: what did it say?
You: he asked if I was at school.

You start crying and Scott looks at your phone

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You start crying and Scott looks at your phone.
You: how could he do that to me. (Sobbing)
Nurse: oh um is this a bad time?
You: (sniffles) um no what's up Annie?
Nurse: you could go home today but I will have Cristal take your machines with you and IV. I know your tired of this hospital so we are letting you go home you can go back to school tomorrow.
You: can I go back to cheer practice?
Annie: yes but no sports besides that. You will be given less work and every other period you will need to see the nurse.
You: ok
Annie: what's wrong mija this is good news.
You: my boyfriend kissed another girl.
Annie: Scott can I talk to her in private.
Scott: yea sure I'll be right back princess(kisses your forehead then walks out and closes door)
You: ok what did you need to tell me.
Annie: I know it's not the easiest to hear but maybe you should be with someone like Scott or Jeff or even Zach. They care for you I see how they treat you. Maybe keep your options open. But I think Scott is the right choice.
You: maybe he is when I first met him he was the first to make me feel comfortable. He was my first actual boyfriend. Even if we did date for only a few days he was so sweet and caring.
Annie: well maybe he was the one all along.
You: I don't know ima tell him that ima break up with Monty and take a week or two to myself go on dates with all of them then when my weeks are done give him another try if he still wants to be with me.
Annie: that's a great idea you get a chance to see how all of them act and then you choose.
You: I really don't wanna break up with Monty.
Annie: mija look at me he cheated and if you don't leave him he's gonna think it's ok to do it.
You: your right I'm to good for all of that.
Annie: ima go tell Scott to come back in.
You: ok.
Annie: call me if anything (walks out)
Scott: (walks in) you feeling better princess?
You: a little but I need to talk to you and the boys.
Scott: even Monty?
You: ima break up with him today I'm not gonna get hurt if he gonna go out and cheat while I'm in the hospital though that's fucked up. I really can't believe him right now.
Scott: well you got me and I'm not leaving.
You: let me make a new group chat.

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You: okay now let me pack

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You: okay now let me pack. (Picking up boxes)
Scott: let me help you. (Looks into your eyes)
You: ok (gets nervous and drops box) shit!
Scott: here let me help you (touches hand while trying to pick everything off of the floor)
You:(blushes) um thank you Scottie.
Scott: okay all done and it only took us 20 minutes last time it took us 6 hours to pack.
You: we are packing up a room not a house.
Scott: still
Justin: ready to go?
You: yea let me sign out can you carry this box.
Scott: ima go sign you out while you talk to Jess and Justin.
You: ok thank you Scottie.
Jess: why didn't you put Monty in that group?
Justin: did something happen between you?
You: he kissed another girl today.
Justin: how do you know that's true?
You: Clay sent me the picture(Shows messages)
Justin: what the fuck that's fucked up.
Jess: I'm so sorry babe what are you gonna do?
You: ima take 2 weeks to just go on dates then when those 2 weeks are done I will ask one of the boys if they wanna try it with me.
Justin: who are the boys?
You: Zach, Jeff and Scottie.
Jess: oh my god I totally ship you and Scottie.
You: that's what my nurse said.
Justin: well let's go to the house.
You: be careful with that box it has my machines in it that I need for the house.
Justin: Machines?
You: I still need the Heart monitor and IV but since Cristal is a trained nurse they said they can let me home.
Jess: are you still gonna be able to do Cheer?
You: yes but no sports and I get less work since my brain can't be put under a lot of pressure.
Justin: ok well let's go home Jeff and Zach are there.
You: tell Cristal to let them in.
Justin: ok
You get in the car and drive home. You are laying on Scott's lap and holding his hand.
Scott: can I know what your gonna say before them?
You: no we are here already........

————to be continued————

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