Chapter 26

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you guys ready for tonight!!!!
(Skip to lunch)
You: Jess can I talk to you?
Jess: yea what's up?
You: everybody's been asked to homecoming and Monty hasn't asked me.
Jess: it doesn't even matter that much.
You: of course you would say that you got asked already.
Jess: y/n I have to go to lunch.
You: ok whatever ima go see Jeff.
You got into your car and went see Jeff. You've been singing flashlight every time you've been there which was everyday this week.
You: hey Jeff!
Jeff:(squeezes hand)
You: I really need to vent is that ok?
Jeff: (squeezes hand)
You: so today is homecoming and Monty hasn't asked me. Jess said it didn't matter but it does this is my first homecoming cause my old school didn't have homecomings. It hurts that he hasn't asked me. I've been planning my outfit for a month just for him not to ask me. If you were awake I know you would have asked cause he was taking to long and you didn't want me to be alone during the dance. (Checks time) oh I have to go i have algebra in a bit. Love you Jeff.
Jeff:(squeezes hand)
You go to the school.
Mr.E: mija your late.
You: I went to go see Jeff.
Mr. E: take your seat.
You went to sit down next to Monty.
Monty: where were you?
You: nowhere.
Monty: ok I guess
You pay attention to the class. You finish all your work. Then present it to the class. You go to ms.anderson's class next. You sit next to Scott the teacher put Amiya's desk in your table. They were talking the whole period. You just stayed quiet. Not only the way Monty was being was bothering you but also Jeff not being able to be there with you. You started thinking about the crash and how you found him. Tears flowed down your eyes and you walked out your class. Scott followed you into the hall.
Scott: what's wrong pretty.
You: I miss Jeff.
Scott: I know but he's better and will continue getting better. But something else is bothering you I could tell.
You: Monty hasn't asked me to homecoming and Jess said it didn't matter.
Scott: well if he doesn't ask y/n will you go with me to homecoming?
You: (giggles) yes Scott Reed I will go if he doesn't ask.
Scott: yay but even if he does save me a dance please?
You: of course I will.
You went back in the class and finished your work.
The bell rang and you turned in your assignment. You went to the locker room to go put on your uniform.
Monty: you ok?
You: yea I just had a breakdown.
Monty: you should have called me
You: I had Scott I was fine.
Monty: ok go finish getting ready
You:(kisses) ok babe
You finish getting ready and wait in the line. The first girls go up then it's your turn. You did a hand backspring to Monty then walked to him and did cartwheels until the end where he grabbed your hand and spun you into a kiss. The crowed awed and you blushed. The rest did their cheer and once you guys were done you sat on the benches cheering your boyfriend and your family. Zach made a 3 pointer.
You: that's my bother!!!!!
Justin made a layup.
You and Jess: that's my cousin/baby!!!
Scott made a hook shot.
You: period bestie!!!!
There was 10 seconds left in the game the teams were tied and Monty had the ball but was surrounded.
You: you got this baby.
Monty stopped and made a jump shot. The ball bounced off the backboard and went in. The crowd cheered for Monty. You ran to him.
Monty:(Kisses) that shot was for you. I'll be right back.
The girls and Monty came in the gym.
The girls had signs and Monty had light pink roses.
Sheri: will, Amiya: you, Jessica: please, Mackenzie:go, Pandora: to, Jenna: home, Allison: coming, Loren: with, Mia: me, Kayla:?
You: yes!!!
Monty: she said yes!! (Kisses you)
You all meet up at the parking lot.
You: my mom told our limo driver to take us and pick us up. Meet at my house?
Everybody agreed and went their separate ways.
Monty and Justin didn't come home with the girls they went to Zach's house with Scott.
The girls and Ryan went to your house and got ready. You put your dress on and walked into the room with the girls.
Jess: wow
Sheri: you so pretty
Amiya: Monty's gonna love it.
Ryan: baddie alert.
You finished putting your accessories on.

You and the girls were the last ones to get picked up since you took forever getting ready

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You and the girls were the last ones to get picked up since you took forever getting ready.
Amiya: oh by the way clay asked me to the dance!
You: really I thought he liked Hannah?
Amiya: he does but we had no date so he asked.
You: he's lucky to be your date.
The boys walked up to your house and rang the door bell. You all walked out.
Monty: wow babe your beautiful.
Justin: woah
Zach: damn Sheri!!
Clay: you look pretty Amiya.
Girls: thanks!
They walked you into the limo. Monty wouldn't stop staring at you but he wasn't the only one. Scott tried not to make it obvious but you could tell he was staring at you from his seat.
You arrived at the school. You and Monty took pictures which didn't come out right at all. You danced with Monty to the night we met.
You finished dancing and see Scott walking over to you.
Scott: Amiya's crying.
You: why?
Scott: I don't know
You: help me find her?
Scott: yea
You: Monty I'll be back don't dance with nobody but our group.
Scott takes you to the hallway to see Amiya crying and hitting her arm with a rubber band which was leaving marks on her.
You: Amiya what's wrong?
Amiya: Hannah came while me and clay were dancing and pushed me. She told me clay didn't want me and you guys are just my friends because I cut myself and you felt bad.
You: that's not the truth. We actually like being around you of course she was gonna say that because she wants you to stop talking to us so she can get her spot back but your family now.
Amiya: promise?
You: I swear.
You guys hug and see Hannah running out the door crying. Clay walks out too.
You: Clay what happened to her?
Clay: I told her off for saying shit to Amiya.
You: don't hurt my best friend again or we are gonna have problems you hear me Jenson!
Clay: yes ma'am.
You go back into the gym and see Courtney on Monty. She looks at you for a split second then kisses him. You run out the gym. Scott runs after you. You lock yourself into the teachers bathroom and Scott opens it surprisingly.
Scott: it's ok Y/n I'm right here.
You:(hugs him) I don't wanna be sad today.
Scott: y/n Foley will you be my date to homecoming?
You: yes I will
You both walk out and went into the gym.

Scott and you danced.
Scott: this is the first song you sang me.
You: it was a coincidence but I'm glad.
Scott: no we were meant to dance together.
Monty: (walks up to you) where have you been.
You: with Scott I know where you have been though.
Monty: what are you talking about?
You: I seen you and Courtney kiss. Sleep in the guest room today please.
Monty: really?!
You: Scott can we go home?
Scott: yea I'll call us a Uber.
You walk away but Monty pulls Scott to the side.
Monty: text me when you get there.
Scott: i will but your gonna stay here?
Monty: no ima go think at the hobo hotel.
Scott: did you actually kiss Courtney?
Monty: no she came over to say that Hannah wanted a threesome with me and her. I told her I was with y/n and next thing I know she kissed me so I pushed her off and she stormed out the gym.
Scott:y/n got hurt Monty.....

----to be continued----

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