Chapter 22

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sorry Mrs.Carrison......
You all sit in your table and listen to the lesson. You had your head on Monty's shoulder and you were holding his hand. Jess and Justin were throwing paper at each other.
You took out your phone and looked at the comments of your cheer outfit post.

You took out your phone and looked at the comments of your cheer outfit post

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You looked at the last comment and looked at Monty

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You looked at the last comment and looked at Monty.
Monty: what's wrong?
You: Alex called me a slut 🙄
Jessica: fuck him he's just mad
Justin: I'll smack his ass!
Monty: right what the fuck.
You: no don't you guys are gonna end up being benched and your not gonna be able to go to homecoming.
Justin: your right.
The day went by fast and it was lunch time. You all sat at your table.
You: y'all I haven't cursed all day!
Zach: what you wanna cookie?
You: Monty?
Monty: damn it Zach.
You looked at Monty with puppy eyes.
You: can you get me a cookie.
Zach: haha Monty you have to buy her a cookie
You: Zach your not off the hook. Can you buy me a hmmmm a bag of chips.
Zach: damn it your lucky I love you.
They went to go get you the food and Scott brought you your favorite candy.
You: yay thanks Scottie see boys I don't have to ask him to bring me stuff he does it cause he loves me.
You were all goofy around and talking. You and Jessica were taking selfies. You saw Hannah come to the table trying to sit next to Monty.
Hannah: let me tell you about the day I had!
You: (puts book bag on seat) um this seats taken.
Hannah:Ok I'll sit in between you and Jess.
Jess: nope sorry there isn't no space.
She tries sitting next to zach.
Zach: sorry someone's sitting there.
She tries sitting next to Ryan.
Ryan: unt unt nope not next to me hunny.
Hannah: really guys?!
You: this table is for family members only.
Hannah:I'm not part of the family anymore?
Jess: your the one who said we were never your family.
Hannah: I didn't mean it I was just mad.
Scott: it doesn't matter you don't say shit like that.
Zach: then you said we didn't care about you.
Tony: we do the most for you.
Hannah:(looks at Monty) really Monty your in on it too?
You: don't talk to him baby.
Hannah: (looks at Justin) really Justin.
Jess: um him either
Hannah: your not even together let him decide.
Justin: did you guys hear something.
You all laugh.
It was time to go and you and Jess went to Chem. Alex wasn't there today so you didn't have to deal with him. Zach was late but he usually sits in the front of the class. You see Hannah walk by your table and Jess puts her foot on the chair.
Hannah: um your leg is on my seat.
Jess: we don't have assigned seats. This seat is taken.
Hannah: by who?!
Zach walked in.
You: Zach's sitting here.
Zach: (walks over) hey fam!
Hannah: are you tryna settle a score.
You:(whispers in Scott's ear) if she hits the table the drink will fling on her. The pencil is under the drink and her fist is on top of it.
Scott: (laughs) that's what I was thinking!
Hannah: what did you say to him!
You: none of your business!
Hannah slams her fish on the pencil and the pink juice splashed on her and the quiet girl behind her. The whole class starts laughing. The quiet girl starts crying.
You: what the fuck Hannah she didn't do anything to you.
You and Jess walk out the room with the quiet girl. Zach and Scott follow behind you grabbing her stuff.
Mrs.anderson: thank you guys for helping her y/n can I see you for a moment.
You let go of the girl and walk over to the teacher.
Mrs.anderson: she self harms please be nice to her I shouldn't be telling you but she needs friends.
You: no problem she could hang out with us but we don't have anymore seats in our table.
Mrs.anderson: I will move her desk to your table.
You: ok I got you.
You walk back to the girl who is crying.
You: hey it's ok it's just a shirt.
Her: I don't have many clothes this was my nicest top.
You: here come with me to my locker.
You all walk to your locker you give her a brand new shirt that you had in your locker in case you messed up the one you were wearing.
Her: thank you y/n!
You: no problem but I never got your name.
Her: Amiya Martinez.
You: you have a pretty name and how about you join us after school to the mall. I'll buy you some more clothes.
Her: I have money but I didn't have anybody to go shopping with so I don't.
You: well now you do. You can hang out with us. (Phone buzzes)

You: hey Amiya do you smoke? Her: yea sometimes

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You: hey Amiya do you smoke?
Her: yea sometimes.
You: tryna ditch with us and smoke your gonna meet the rest of us.
Her: sure.
You all walk to the field to see Monty and Justin fighting.
You: Montyyyy!

————to be continued————

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