Chapter 41

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that's all we need to hear......
Judge: I hereby find Bryce Walker guilty.
You and your friends: (cheer)
Monty: you did it princess (picks you up)
You: I wouldn't have been able to without you. Thank you for being here with us you guys.
Everybody: no problem.
Jess: no for real some of you guys weren't even cool with us and still came to support us. Courtney and Alex thank you.
You: yea thanks group hug!
You all group hug and you turn around and see Chloe crying.
You: umm I'll be right back (walks away)
You: hey Chloe.
Chloe: hey y/n.
You:(hugs) you were really brave for standing up to him like that. I know it wasn't easy. Thank you.
Chloe: I have nobody now(cries)
You: you have us now.
Chloe:you sure they're gonna be ok with me?
You: come on(grabs hand and walks to friends)
You: guys this is our new family member because of her we had help winning. So she is cool with us now.
Everybody: (welcoming her with open arms)
You: it's us against the world now ok?
Everybody: ok
You: has anybody heard from Marcus?
Courtney: he was on Bryce's side they jumped Tyler yesterday so he has to keep low.
You: fuck him I thought he was starting to be cool but I guess some people don't change. Um I have to go back to the hospital.
Courtney: what about celebrating?!
You: um I can call Annie and see if we can celebrate there. (Calls Annie) she said that's fine. I have a huge room anyway my parents made sure I got the best room possible.
Monty: we can order a bunch of food.
Jeff: what food though?
You: Mexican!!!!
Zach: how are you Mexican and Justin's white.
You: my mom is Mexican.
Amiya: did you ever have a quince?
You: yea it was amazing. The theme beauty and the beast. Justin was my main dancer.
Amiya: that's awesome.
Jess: is that why you were gone for month last year?
Justin: yea.
Amiya: um I'm having a sweet 16 this year since I missed out on my quince cause I had the stomach flu. My mom says it's gonna be like a quince but for 16 instead of 15.
You: cool do you need help planning?
Amiya: actually yea it's gonna be under the sea. The colors are aqua white and silver.
You: we will talk about it when you want. Your birthdays not till December. We will get it all ready though.
Amiya: good my parents suck at planning but let's go celebrate your win.
You all head back to the hospital and go to your room. Cristal places the orders and the food comes 30 mins later. You all eat then just have a great time dancing and playing games.
You: my heads starting to hurt.
Monty: come on let's go lay down. We've been celebrating for a few hours now. Maybe it's time to end it.
You: I don't wanna ruin there fun.
Monty: they are gonna worry more about your safety not some stupid party.
You: ok but can we binge watch the Twilight movies. And tomorrow the step up movies.
Monty: of course. Ima go tell the fam to go home. (Walks out)
Jeff: is she ok?
Monty: she needs to rest so we have to end the party.
Courtney: no problem.
Alex: if she needs rest we could go.
Scott: let me just go say my goodbyes.
Zach: yea me too.
Ryan: me 3
Jess: yea I need to thank her.
Justin: yep she's really brave.
Chloe: I need to thank her too for giving me a chance and coming at me with open arms.
They all go in your room and give you hugs and kisses.
Alex: if Monty bores you just hit him upside the head. (Kisses your head)
You: since when do you kiss me?
Alex: I need to take my chance and you did help me through a lot so thank you.
You: no problem.
Jeff: bye princess I'll see you tomorrow (kisses cheek) if you need anything I'm one text away.
Scott: bye teddy bear I'm always here (kisses forehead) no matter what call me if anything.
Courtney: you were so brave today I'm so proud of you. Thank you for showing me being who I am isn't the worst thing ever.
Zach: goodnight little Foley love you (kisses hand) sweet dreams.
Jessica: thank you for being so brave today we put him away.
You: he said something when I seen him before the trial.
Jessica: what did he say?
You: he told me he did something to Tyler for me.
Jessica: what do you think he did?
You: I don't know. But good night bestie (kisses forehead) I couldn't have done any of this without you.
Amiya: good night beautiful I hope you can come to school soon. (Kisses cheek)
You: me too
Ryan: bye baby sweet dreams feel better. (Kisses lips)
You: good night Ryan thanks for being here and supporting me I know you and tony are having a tough time.
Ryan: he's not worth stressing over anymore.
Justin: good night mini good job up there Abby would have been so proud to see you brave.
You: she was with me that's how we won.
Justin: I love you y/n bear
You: I love you to Justy bear (kisses cheek)
Chloe: thank you for helping me open up today y/n I couldn't have done it without you. I would've still been going through that with him
You: no thank you you helped us win today. Your so brave Chloe and I'm so proud of you. Come here. (Hugs her tight) you did the right thing never doubt that ok love.
Chloe: ok (tearfully) (hugs tightly)
Everybody left and you and Monty cuddled watching the movies.
You: I have died everyday waiting for you.
Monty: darling don't be afraid I have loved you
Both: for a thousand years
Monty: I'll love you for a thousand more.
You: you know how to sing (shocked)
Monty: not really and don't tell anyone.
You: I won't. I guessssss
Monty: I'm serious! 😂
You: only if you give me a kiss!
Monty: like this (Kisses you slowly)
You: hmm I need to do more research.(Kisses) (gets on top of Monty and continues)
Annie: um woah should I give you some space?
You: ANNIE um no we were just kissing nothing more. What's up
Annie: I need to hook you up to the IV and heart monitor and you need to take your meds.
You: those taste nasty
Annie: would you rather faint and have the room spinning every minute.
You: no. (Takes pills)
Annie: I thought so (hooks up Iv to your arm) (puts heart monitor on chest)
You: ow that still hurts even though the needle stays in there. (Rubbing forearm)
Annie:don't mess with it now good night. Don't have to much fun remember your still hooked up and if your hearts starts beating fast it will go off.
You: I know. Goodnight Annie.
Monty: let's go to sleep.
You: we have to more movies!
Monty: fine
You watched the movies then watched Spongebob till you fell asleep in Monty's arms and he turned off the tv.
Monty: good morning.........

———— to be continued————

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