Chapter 9

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I promise he had good intentions.....
Jessica: y/n how do I forgive him!?
You: Hannah knew too.
Jessica: she told me but I didn't wanna believe her!
You: look I'm sorry it happened to you but Justin did everything he could the only reason he didn't tell you is because he didn't want to lose you.
Jessica: well he did
You: you needa think bout it cause he ain't mean to hurt you I have to go...
Monty: why didn't you tell me what happened!
You: I couldn't that's your best friend!
Monty: I knew something happened I'm so fucking stupid! I shouldn't have left you with him.
You: baby I'm so sorry for keeping it from you but I didn't tell no one I just told Justin today
Monty: who knew?
Scott: I did Monty
You: I told him not to tell anybody.
Monty: of course he knew!
You: Monty it isn't like that.
Monty: actually I believe you I know you only want me sorry.
You: it's ok but can we go home so I can go take care of Justin.
Zach came out the house and walked towards you.
Zach: can I talk to you y/n...
You: um yea
You and Zach walk away from everyone else.
Zach: why didn't you tell me?
You: why didn't you tell me when I asked?
Zach: I didn't want it getting back to Jess cause she wasn't ready to hear it. Why didn't you tell me what Bryce did to you?!
You: Zach I didn't tell nobody the only person who knew was Scott.
Zach: no more secrets?
You: no more secrets. (Hug)
Zach: go to Justin he is really fucked up right now.
You: I know.
You walk back to Monty.
You: babe
Monty: yea princess?
You: can we go home and can you stay with me for a few days I might need help with Justin.
Monty: I wouldn't leave even if you asked.
You: ok (kiss)
You: bye Zachy and Bestie
Zach and Scott: bye lil Foley
You: ughhh I hate that nick name.
You and Monty got in the car. You drove home.
Monty: you ok you've been quiet the whole ride.
You: not really but I'll be ok.
Monty: mamas what's wrong.
You: Monty I'm scared of everybody.
Monty: what do you mean?
You: I didn't even know Bryce and he did that what if someone else does that.
Monty: I won't let it happen we literally have every class together besides those 2 classes. Scott and Zach have that class with you, we won't let nothing happen to you.
You: ok
You walk into the house to see Justin throwing stuff off the shelf. He had blood on his hand.
You: oh my god Justin!
You run over to him and see a deep cut on his hand.
Justin: She hates me I let it happen!!!!😭😭😭
You hold him and he sobs in your shoulder.
You: baby I promise it will pass over don't hurt yourself please Justin.
You grab his face so he is staring at you.
You: Justin I promise it will get better you did the right thing by telling her.
Justin: I did it to late though.
—————————2 hours later————————
You: he's asleep
Monty: ok so what about the mess
You: I'll clean it up.
You pick up a picture of you and your parents with your sister.
Monty: whose the little girl.
You: my sister
Monty: where is she now?
You: she killed herself last year...
Monty: fuck I'm sorry
You: it's ok
Monty: how old was she?
You: she was 13
Monty: I'm so sorry baby.
You: that's why I care so much about Justin I can't lose someone else.
You grabbed a piece of the glass and it cut you.
You: shit
Monty: umm fuck give me your hand!
You gave him your hand and he wrapped a towel over it. You winced as he wrapped the towel over your cut.
Monty: sorry baby but you have to put pressure on it do you have any pills and bandages?
You: yea the room on the left the top shelf.
Monty ran and got the stuff. He gave you the pill and wrapped the bandage around your palm.
Monty: better?
You: yea
You and Monty finished cleaning the mess.
Monty: so what do you wanna do now?
You: I don't knowwww
Monty: you wanna go to sleep.
You: kinda
You went up to your room and threw a pillow at Monty.
Monty: what was that for?
You: I don't know
Monty grabbed you and you started play fighting.
You were on top of Monty and he was laying down.
You: I win De La Cruz
Monty: damn you Foley
You leaned down and kissed him. He pulled you so that you were next to him.
Monty: your no match for me Foley.
You kept kissing then went to change.
Monty took off his shirt and pants. He was just in his boxers. You took off everything and just put on a oversized shirt.
You cuddled with Monty until you fell asleep.
You: no get off of me!!!!....

————To be continued————

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