Chapter 43

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no we are here already........
You get out the car and go into the house.
Cristal, Zach and Jeff: welcome home!!!!
You: thanks guys! (Group hug)
Jeff: ok what did you need to talk about?
You: okay this is gonna sound really weird.
Zach: I mean you are a weirdo anyways.
You: oh my god I can't do this it's weird...
Jessica: yes you can you got this come sit
You: (sits on Jess lap) okay so today Monty kissed another girl....
Boys: (gets mad) what?!
You: yea anyways... when he gets home I'm breaking up with him. That being said I was wondering about taking 2 weeks to myself and go on dates have a little fun. But when those 2 weeks are over I am gonna tell the right boy if he wants to try being with me.
Jeff: we are the boys?
Zach: I mean I'm down
Scott: yea me too
You: boys this isn't a competition though just be yourself and if your not ima smack you upside the head. This is who matches me the best.
Jeff: ok princess. When are the days.
You: everyday but Monday and you get 4 dates to prove me your loyal or my perfect match. Pick your days.
Scott: I pick Wednesday and Sunday.
Jeff: Tuesday and Friday.
Zach: I get the other ones which are Thursday and Saturday.
You: why are you guys so fine with this?
Jeff: because we really like you and would do anything if it meant being with you.
Jess: I have an idea!!!
You: what?
Jess: let's play who's the best kisser
You: only if you play!
Justin: go ahead I'm down.
You: ok Jessica needs to be blind folded first.
Jess: you better not do anything bad guys.
You: we won't now blindfold yourself.
Jessica blindfolded herself and then stood facing the boys. First kisser was Jeff then Scott then Justin lastly was Zach.
Jess: number 3 was the best. (Takes off blindfold)
You: Justin you win!!!
Jessica: yay ok your turn y/n.
You put the blind fold on nervously then stand still. The first kiss was okay but it was short. The next boy came and grabbed your hips he slowly kissed you. His lips were soft. It was good. The last one came and grabbed your face and placed his lips softly he started off slowly then the kiss started getting more intimate. You felt butterflies in your stomach. He pulled away but you wanted more.
Jess: woah.... okay which boy wins y/n.
You: the last one.
Jess: boys reveal yourselves in a line.
The line was Zach, Jeff then Scott. He smiled at you.
You: um ok let's watch a movie. One of you guys pick.
Justin: paranormal activity?
Everybody but you: yes!
You: I hate scary movies.
Scott: come on (pats lap)
You: okay (sits on Scott's lap and cuddles)
Scott: okay start the movie. (Holds your hand)
You guys are halfway in the movie when Monty comes home.
Monty: what the fuck?!
You: come upstairs with me!
Zach: want me to go with you?
You: no I'll be ok just play the movie.
You walk upstairs with Monty and take off his necklace and give it to him.
Monty: why are you taking it off.
You: Monty I know about today....
Monty: I don't know what your talking about.
You: so you don't remember kissing that girl?
Monty: who told you?!
You: that doesn't matter Monty!! I was in the fucking hospital waiting for you to get home!!Not once did you leave my mind and not one did I come into your if you kissed her!!!
Monty: it didn't mean anything!!!!
You: neither did our relationship obviously!!
Monty: your breaking up with me?!!
You: what else am I supposed to do let you stay even though you cheated on me??!!!!
Monty: you said we were forever!!!!!
You: that was before you kissed her!!! Take all your stuff. I'm done Monty this is the second time. This isn't gonna happen again.
Monty: where am I gonna stay?!
You: Luke said you can stay with him since he knew about it.
Monty: your really done???!!!!!
You: yes Monty. I can't do this anymore. Your breaking me piece by piece and it's not right.
Monty: can we still be friends? (Crying)
You: yea but I need some space and time(Sobs)
Monty: when will you be ready?
You: I'll tell you when I'm ready but please just leave. Just for a while at least. Your still gonna live here if you want.
Monty: I'll just stay with Luke.
You: if you need it I'll help you pack up.
Monty: thanks.
You pack everything of Monty's and he leaves. His eyes are tearful. He leaves crying. You both hurt each other. But it was for the best. You walk downstairs crying and sit on Zach's lap crying. He hugs you tightly.
Zach: it's ok Foley it will get better. We have the weekend to party and make everything better.
Jeff: come here princess (pulls you to his lap)
You: it hurts so much(sobs) I did everything for him and he just did it like I was nothing.
Jess: what do you wanna do right now?
You: can we just finish watching the movie?
Justin: of course mini baby.
You go back on Scott's lap and cuddle with him. You hold Jeff's hand. Your heart was broken but you couldn't let it get to you.  You had to snap out of it.
You: should we have a party Saturday. Jeff never got his party.
Jeff: neither did you so we will celebrate both of us.
You: ok. But we are matching.
Jeff: deal. Now let's finish watching the movie.
Zach: I was something to drink.
You: me too
Zach: I was talking about beer.
You: I know
Zach: you know me so well.
You: come on let's go get the drinks from the basement.
Zach: ok
You and Zach go down to the basement. You get off his back and go into the cabinet.
You: I want a piña colada.
Zach: me too.
You start making them then bring them upstairs. You both had 3 in your hands so you had to be careful. You gave them to your friends and sat back down with Jeff.
Zach: I think I left the cherries down stairs.
You: oh I'll go with you.
Zach: ok (walks downstairs)
You guys get downstairs and he carries you.
You: ahhh put me down Zachy (laughs)
Zach: this monsters hungry!
You and Zach play for a bit then he kisses you.
You: why didn't you kiss like that during the game? You would have won.
Zach: I don't know let's go back upstairs.
You: ok (grabs cherries) (races upstairs)
Zach: you had a head start!
You: I win!!!!
You all finished the movie then go to sleep. Scott sleeps in the bed with you. Zach and Jeff sleep in one of the rooms. Scott looks at you.
You: what?
Scott: nothing your just beautiful.
You: stop your gonna make me blush.
Scott: come here
You: yes Reed (goes on top of him)
Scott: I love you and even if you don't pick me I'm so happy to have you in my life. You mean everything to me.
You: awn Scotty I love you too.
You guys stare into each other's eyes and he leans in to kiss you. Your lips touch and you feel electricity. Your lips move in sync he grabs your face. He pulls you closer to him and you feel butterflies. You guys get more intimate and he takes off your shirt and you unbutton his. You pull down your shorts and he takes off his.
He gets on top of you.
Scott: you sure?
You: yes
Scott: ok re.....
Jess: um y/n Justin asked if you seen his sh..... what the fuck um oh my god
You: Scott you forgot to lock the door didn't you. (Putting panties on)
Scott: shit (puts shorts back on)
Jess: ima pretend I didn't see that anyways Justin asked if his shirt was in here.
You: it should be in that drawer right there.
Jess: um y/n Monty forgot his jacket.
You:he's calling he probably noticed.(Answers)
Monty: um I forgot my jacket is it ok if I come back and get it coach will kill me if I don't have it.
You: yea you can get it.
Monty: look I'm really so(you hang up)
Jess: he was still talking
You: he's gonna say he's sorry and he wants another chance I know how he is already.
20 mins later you hear the door bell ring so you put on Scott's shirt and walk downstairs.
You: here (gives jacket)
Monty: is that Scott's shirt?
You: yep bye now (slams door)
You run back upstairs and look out the window. Monty's crying and he kicks his tire. He throws his jacket in his car and drives off.
You lay down and take off the shirt. Scott hugs you.
Scott: you ok princess?
You: yea we are going to the mall tomorrow and hanging out I'll be fine.
You cuddle with him and he falls asleep. You cry but make sure you aren't loud so it wouldn't wake him up.
As tears fall from your eyes you drift off to sleep in pain your heart is broken............

————to be continued————

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