Chapter 40

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Y/n wakes up........
Monty: good morning baby.
Y/n: how long have I been in here?
Monty: about a week....
Y/n: I've been asleep most of the time?
Monty: yea but that's because you start blacking out.
Y/n: have you been to school?
Monty: no I've stayed with you every second.
Y/n: Monty you have to go to school.
Monty: I told you I'm not leaving your side. I can't wait till Tyler gets what's coming to him.
Y/n: you didn't tell the cops he did it did you?!
Monty: no we are dealing with it by ourselves.
Y/n: Monty you can get in trouble.
Monty: y/n I don't care he's the reason your in this hospital!
Y/n: ok Monty I trust you but please don't get hurt.
Monty: I promise.
You: ok but did they say when we can go back to school?
Monty: you can't leave this hospital for another week.
Your pov
You: Monty the trial!
Monty: Jess got this.
You: I'm going! Nurse!
Nurse: y/n? What's wrong?
You: can I leave for a few hours for my trial.
Nurse: I'm sorry but no.
You: what? Why not?
Nurse: you suffered from severe head trauma you can't be putting that much stress on your brain. With you trying to think of what to say your mind may go blank.
You: I don't care I'm going.
Nurse: I don't think it's a good idea.
You: well I'm going. It's tomorrow.
Nurse: it won't cause anymore damage I guess.
You: then I'm going.
Monty: I got you something babe.(Opens hand)

You: I love it thank you baby

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You: I love it thank you baby.
Monty: it's a good luck charm for tomorrow.
You: ok it's late we should probably go to sleep.
Monty: ok scoot over. We have to wake up at 8 I brought your outfit and everything you need.
You: how'd I get so lucky with you?
Monty: by being perfect. (Lays down)
You: I love you babe (cuddles)
Monty: I love you too baby and that's never gonna change. (Kisses you)
You and Monty wake up and start getting ready you put on your outfit then brush your teeth and Monty straightens your hair.

Monty: you ready to pick up Jess and Justin? You: yea

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Monty: you ready to pick up Jess and Justin?
You: yea. What about everybody else?
Monty: they're meeting us there.
You: ok let's....
Nurse: don't forget your medication. Cristal is actually taking you. You need your guardian with you because your only 16.
You: I forgot she brought you here babe.
Monty: yea so she took the car home.
Cristal: ready to go?
You: yea. I'm ready. (Looks up) please Abby give me your luck.
Monty: ok let's go. (Grabs your hand)
You get in the car and Cristal takes you to Jess' house where her and Justin were.
Justin: good morning cousin (getting in front)
Jessica: you look flawless (sitting next to you)
You: thank you sexy and good morning J
You arrived at the place and walked in. You and Jess went to the girls bathroom and made sure you looked presentable. When you were walking out you were stopped by none other then Bryce Walker.
Bryce: really y/n after what I just did to Tyler for you?!
You: get away from me!
Monty: what's going on here!? Get the fuck away from her Bryce.
Bryce: fine! (Walks off)
Monty: come on we start in 5 minutes.
You: Monty I'm scared
Monty: I'm right here he won't do anything to you anymore and I'm not leaving your side bae.
You: ok (kisses)
Officer #1: please come in and take a seat we will be starting soon.
You: ok come on Jessica.(holds her hand)
You and Jess sit in the front and Monty, Cristal, Justin, and the rest of your friend sit behind you. All of them are there besides Clay and Tony but they were true to you.
Courtney: you got this y/n. Just stay focused.
You look around and see Bryce and his girlfriend Chloe come in the room. She gives you a stare but not a mean one she looked like she was hurting on the inside but kept quiet.
Judge: ok we are here today to go through the trial of y/n Foley, Jessica Davis and Bryce Walker. Ms.Davis come up please.
Jessica: ok (walks up) (talks)
Bryce's lawyer: that's enough next person.
Judge: Y/n please come to the stand.
You: yes ma'am (walks to stand)
Bryce's lawyer: you stated that my client sexually assaulted you? Is that correct?
You: yes
Bryce's lawyer: please tell me what happened.
You: it was my first day back here and my cousin Justin had told me Bryce was having a party so we went. The first incident was when he spilled his drink on my shirt then started groping me. I tried to push him off but he kept his grip strong. The second time was when me and my friends were dancing he grabbed my behind and rubbed himself against me. The last time was when I was in the room waiting for my friend to come back with water. Bryce came up and got on top of me.
Bryce's lawyer: ima stop you right there. Why would you stay after my client supposedly gripped you. Were you waiting for him to do it again.
Your lawyer: rephrase!
Judge: he's right rephrase.
Bryce's lawyer: Did you think you should have left before he would have done it again.
You: I wasn't thinking straight. I thought he would have left me alone.
Bryce's lawyer: and after the incident did you continue being around my client? Correct?
You: yes but...
Bryce's lawyer: but if he hurt you why did you continue being around him? Ms.Foley if that happened to me I would have removed myself from that person unless it wasn't that serious. So maybe hear me out. It wasn't as serious as your making it if you continued to be around mr. walker
You: look sir I didn't want anybody knowing because I was embarrassed my boyfriend was his best friend so I dealt with it. I have never forgot what happened though. I still feel his body weight on me and he put his hand around my mouth because I was being to loud. I still remember him rubbing himself against me. Sir please don't try to tell me that it wasn't serious because of him I have to take anxiety medication. I didn't go to school for a few days because I was scared of seeing him. Have you ever been raped before?!
Bryce's Lawyer: no
You: I have twice by my uncles! Once I was 5 and the second time I was 10. They made me do stuff I didn't want to. This is not new to me sir I know how serious it is so please don't try making it less serious then it is. (Crying)
Bryce's lawyer: were you intoxicated ms. Foley.
You: what does that have to do with any of this.
Bryce's lawyer: that's all we need. 15 minute break.
You run out the room with tears in your eyes. You lock yourself in the bathroom and you hear Monty knocking on the door.
Monty: babe please come out.
Chloe: y/n your really brave.
You: has he done anything to you?
Chloe: (nods) I'm to scared to speak up.
You: you need to I promise it will be ok.
Chloe: I have to go back. (Runs out)
You walk out the bathroom.
You: where is everybody?
Monty: I told them to wait inside so I could comfort you. It's gonna be ok baby I promise.
You: ok let's go back in we are about to start again. (Grabs Monty's hand)
Monty: (Kisses your hand) no matter what ima love you.
You both walk in and you sit next to Jess in the front.
Judge: does anyone else have anything to say before I make say my decision.
Chloe: Bryce Walker raped me!
Judge: please come up.
Chloe: ok (walks up)
Judge: state your name and your story
Chloe: I am Chloe Rice. I was unconscious and Bryce raped me he put something in my drink.
Judge: how do you know he raped you.
Chloe: my clothes were off and my memory started coming back I remember pushing him off and telling him stop but he kept going.
Judge: that's all we need to hear......

————to be continued————

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