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I wake up in a sweat. My white duvet is practically strangling my legs. I had dreamt of him again. Stupid him.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who had dreams of Gansley, he was the hottest guy in school who never had a girlfriend. But don't worry I'm sure he's not gay, we used to date before high school but after Tori and I started our advice column I quickly ran out of free time for him. But things had worked out pretty well for him.
After that he had joined the local hockey club The Kits, began working out, started a charity for struggling single mothers and pretty soon had become the most popular guy in our school.
Besides Cereno ...
But I wasn't dreaming of C, I was dreaming of G. And D.
This one he had had his shirt up over the back of his neck and his perfectly pouty lips were busy to say the least. Even his dream package I had felt was packing some serious meat.
"Great" I mumbled to myself rolling out of bed and almost tripping over my covers.
I made my way to the washroom and took a shower trying not to think of him the entire time. Those puppy dog brown eyes, long dark lashes that would have looked perfect on a girl looked even better on him, his beautifully tan smooth skin that I've never even seen so much as a pimple on. Biceps and abs that would make any girl or guy swoon no matter their sexual preference.
Wasn't making much progress on the not thinking of him part and was just making myself more nervous about possibly seeing him when I left the house.
Oh, did I mention that I'm the lucky girl who lives across the street from him? The one of every other girls envy at Kittredge High?
Well I was. And it ruined my life every day.
Except for the days he mowed the lawn. He did that shirtless every time.
I quickly dried off and wondered if he would be doing that today then sat at my laptop and prepared to write my daily Cereno post.

Hey people,
So it's been another twenty four hours on Earth and here we are. Another beautiful day, at least in my part of the woods, how's yours doing?
In latest news I have a big announcement. Today is the day that most kids are going back to school so a huge congratulations go out to all the parents!
I'm joking of course I know your all terribly upset about that 😉 right guys?
That's the big news in the place where I live anyways and who knows maybe it's where you live too.
Make sure to comment and click that bell icon.
That's how I always ended all posts "Make sure to comment and click that bell icon" even tho by now it didn't need to be said. Two and a half months after launch and 99% of the world had already clicked that bell. The other one percent waited till the next day.
I quickly scrolled through the comments that were asking for advice. Currently sitting at over half a billion the entire world knew that most of them would never be answered, which only made them love Cereno more, the people Tor and I answered knew they would have talked to an actual person, well two. After that initial three month boom I had posted that most people asking for advice wouldn't be answered but that the most critical ones would have one ASAP, emails were filtered and key words were set up. One woman had asked about my thoughts on abortion in the first week and that's when we knew we needed a system like that set up.
We still get photos of that woman's son and periodic updates on his life. Arron is now four and likes fire trucks above anything else in the world and has the most amazing twinkling blue eyes.
We once considered letting an AI program to take over for us when Tom quickly squashed that idea.
"They would be able to tell," he had said.
    Tori and I had just looked at each other, our own responses to the questions that we sent to our advice column robot that we coded ourselves had seemed like a perfect replacement to us. We had even nicknamed her Addy named after one of our favourite Facebook TV personalities.
    Currently Addys sitting in my desk drawer on a thumb drive. Tori and I still talk about her once in awhile but she's pretty much just as a woeful dream.
    After that we had never talked to Tom about her again. He was part right after all. Other than a few grammatical errors Add had been, well, us.

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