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Cereno one of my patients keeps making appointments. I'm a phycologist and last week he made four. The week before was five. I don't mean to be rude, he seems like a great guy and we have always had nice conversations, I've reached out to his family doctor and he had no idea he was even seeing me. No medical explanation as to why he visits other than .... maybe a crush? He's a nice guy and all but I think of him as a patient and would like for him to stop paying me just to see me for an hour a day.
    Tori raised her eyebrow, more deets please, she almost typed back. Liv was always sending her the possibly romantic emails. She was good at them.
I cracked my knuckles and wrote out a quick response. It was already 10:30 pm and wanted to be well rested for the first day of school.
After making sure it sent - once I had forgotten to hit that reply button and didn't stop hearing about it for a week from Tom and Olivia, I'd swear they were dating, sometimes they think so much alike.
    After answering I took a relaxing bath and climbed into bed after powering down my computer. More comments than I even I had believed possible were left on Olivia's post from this morning. Probably a bunch of kids wishing that school would be canceled from some unknown virus or something like that.
   I grabbed my cell and called Jake, my boyfriend of three years.
   "Hey Babe," he answered.
    "Hi Jake, hows it going?"
    Silence, then we both burst out laughing, he had just called me an hour ago.
    "I didn't know you had such a funny sense of humour," he said still chuckling. "What're you up to?"
    I couldn't help smiling, Jake was perfect. Smoky grey eyes, blonde curly locks and body that could put Weemore to shame, the hottest guy in school. Well after Jake in my books.
    "Just getting ready for bed, had sort of a long day."
    Jake laughed again, "you always say that."
    "Because it's the truth," Cereno could turn the shortest day of the year into five if he wanted to. Me and Liv always called Cereno a him, Tom always referred her to a her. We once asked him and he explained that she seemed like a girl to him with a bewildered look on his face. We didn't delve deeper into the matter. Sometimes with Tom it was better to leave it at that.
    "Well truth or not you always say it Babe. Just wish we had more hours in the day to spend together. I barely got to see you this summer."
    "Well you better have behaved," I said jokingly.   
    Truthfully I couldn't tell him the truth.
    What was I supposed to say? That after three years of doing at home interviews online me and Liv had grown tired of it and actually wanted to see the people who were interviewing us?
    Incognito of course, and Liv had had to wear a wig. Her shock of white hair would have openly given a reason for people to stare. In our hometown of Kittredge it was fine, we'd grown up here and new people that moved in quickly came to know the girl with the shock of white hair.
    "Nope got a whole new girlfriend while you were gone," Jake said sarcastically.
    "Well I hope she hadn't been too handsy," I said.
    "Babe," he answered and I knew he was blushing.
    Our sex life was great, in fact. Don't get me get me started. I could be here all day. This summer in New Deli I had told Liv all about it, not that she hadn't heard all about it before but there were some bits that couldn't be left out like the time we went full out Fifty Shades and I sort of scared him. Halfway around the world had been a good time to tell her about that. Then I made her tell me (again) about the time her and Gansley had hooked up last year and even that time it made me blush.

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