Fire & Luck

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    Just some bitch I remember him telling me. My blood boiled and I knew that it was my duty to find the cunt and take her down.
    I found Chad on the floor just inside the door of his home. Blood had formed a puddle around him and I could tell that he had tried to pull himself toward the door. Why? I couldn't tell you. And neither could he.
    I stayed with him till the ambulance came and took us both to the hospital, he was white as paper and the EMTs told me that he was lucky to be alive.
Yeah. I thought to myself. Very lucky.
    No one deserved this less than Chad Vance. And I knew that it was the girl that he had slept with before me.
    "Just some girl," I remember him saying after our first night together as we cuddled. Even then I jealousy had blazed through me. Chad was mine the moment his lips touched me.
    Now he was laying in a hospital bed unconscious and barely alive as I grip onto his hand. Terrified that at any moment he would slip away.
    The slow but steady beeping fills the room but seems to grow dimmer as Doctor Gent walks into the room. He's a tall fellow with broad shoulders and wears black rimmed, square glasses and a serious face.
    "Well Blake it's not good." He starts bleakly. I almost don't hear any of the other words. "Internal bleeding .... lungs slowly filling with blood .... life support .... possibly his whole life .... twenty percent chance ...."
    "Then there's a chance Doctor." I say bluntly. Cutting him off so quickly that his sharp and intelligent brown eyes quickly dart up and stare back into mine. Almost right through them it seems.
    "Slim. We want to move him to Sonic. There's bigger and better hospitals there."
    "Hm." I say.
    "As Chads next of kin." He says, giving me a slight once over. "It would be up to you. As well as keeping him on life support."
    "I'm his fiancé," I lied again. Full well knowing that the title of fiancé would give me more access than boyfriend would have. Even better than next of kin that term. "His parents are long gone. Died in a car accident seven years ago."
"I see." The Doctor said, flipping through his clipboard.
    Out of anger I say. "They're okay tho. Living at Hogwarts."
    He gulps and looks back up at me.
    "Sorry. Just checking." I say.
    "Look Mr. Harper," he says sternly. "We're all doing the best we can for Chad at this time. Please understand that. And the fact that he had been bleeding out for over half an hour before paramedics arrived. It's a miracle there was no brain damage. He's a lucky guy." He says again. Before looking at Chad, and I can see the twinge of remorse in his eyes at the harshly said words. "But there's no getting around the reality. Chad may never wake up, and if he does there's going to be a long road to recovery. There's nothing superficial about his situation and I think he would do much better at Sonic General. You could even go in the helicopter with them." He offers.
It's like an actual apple is in my throat. I can only nod.
I'll find her. I vow to myself as Doctor Gent walks away and I sit back down in my chair next to Babe.
I'll find her and I'll make her pay. It's a promise I plan to keep as the beeping of the machine once again overtakes the silence in the room.

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