Miller 🔥

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He was cute. Blushed at just the right time, and had the nicest, firmest looking ass I've seen in a long time. A twink for sure, but the guy who introduced himself as a Valentine and Mother's newly adopted son. Well that had put a wrench in my plan.
    Sort of.
    I'd spent the last thirty-five days in Hawaii soaking up the sun, trying to learn how to surf, playing pick up football games with the locals and avoiding hooking up with guys because of Gansley. But the moment I had laid eyes on the barely 160 pound frame of Mikey Valentine I knew I wanted to be inside of him by the end of the day, have my lips pressed against his, my nose against that kissable nose of his. My arms wrapped around him.
    I would have gone hard as rock the moment I seen him if it wasn't for the fact that all the blood was rushing to my heart making it pound so loud I would have bet my spot on the football team that he could hear it.
    The second bell for class had rang but I kept him talking, my brain working in overdrive trying to think of ways to keep him entertained.
    When he called me by my first name I practically melted. Telling him to call me Miller instead, hoping that it would calm my heartbeats, I could feel a pool of sweat on my upper back and knew that my arm pits were sweaty as fuck.
    I knew he'd never make the football team but damn did I ever want to see him in a jockstrap and cup. Sweaty from hours on the field his muscles tired from exertion, slipping off the jock to reveal a hairless sweaty asshole as I watch from my locker beside him.
I loved when my imagination ran wild, it was better than endorphins.
    "So you liked Mother Valentines movies?" He asked in that, jerking me out of my thoughts. God I loved the sound of his voice!
"Uh yeah," I said. "Everyone around here was in her fan club growing up." I said. Making reference to the now defunct MV Fanclub that used to send out monthly newsletters and care packages full of stickers and stuff. Hey everyone was into it!
My heart skips a beat as his phone buzzes again.
Mikey too busy typing away so fast on his phone that I wonder if the screen has ever worn out from his fingertips, I quickly check out his butt again, oh-my-God, I can't help thinking to myself.
    "So uh, how close are you and this friend of yours? She your girlfriend or something?" I ask, my mouth suddenly going dry.
    Mikey laughs. "No, I don't have a girlfriend. Greys just a buddy of mine. Known each other our entire lives." He says, not taking his eyes off his phone.
    A twinge of jealousy sparks through my body, who the fuck is Grey and I how do I get Mikey to stop texting him long enough so I can kiss him?
"He's cool. Has a great place on Sonic Harbour where we used to jet ski after school."
"I surf." I lied. Falling off a surfboard for a month had taught me that my body wasn't made for surfing. Too big I think.
"No way! You should come up there sometime with me?" He offered. Putting away his phone and looking back up at me his eyes shining in a sexy way.
"Sure," I say. Glad that we are nearing a water fountain because my throat was getting itchy and my mouth uncomfortably dry.
He just invited me to Sonic. I thought to myself as I knelt over and let the water quench my thirst. Bet we could get into a lot better things than waxing a surfboard.
I hear the sound of a camera going off and hear Mikey mumble, "oops, shit."
"Snapchat." He explains. As I move out of the way so he can take a drink of water.
He takes his time, gulping it down as I enjoy the view. If I could I'd rather he be gulping down something else, just saying.
"Is there a washroom around here?" Mikey asks, wiping a bit of water off his lips with the back of hand.
"Yeah of course. Here I'll show you. I gotta go too." I answer with a smile. "There's one around here somewhere. But the best are in the basement, not a lot of people use those so they're usually empty."
"Oh okay," Mikey says, blushing a bit and looking a bit confused. "Is there any closer? I sort of gotta go, you know, right now?"
I can't help, I burst out laughing at his cute obliviousness. "Yeah there's one just down the hall and around the corner." I say smiling to myself. "Good thing too, it's near my locker and I don't have any of my books."
"That's nice," he says.
I look at him confused until I see that he's already back on his phone. And take the chance to really look him over till he smiles and looks up. His deep brown eyes widen.
"Sorry! What did I just say?" He asks, panic in his voice as he laughs. "I was texting Grey."
I laugh along with him while holding the men's room door open for him, above us a Febreeze Senomatic bursts out the scent of the ocean.
    "This Grey  pretty important to you?"
    "Well he's my best - "
    Before he can can get  the next word out I bend over and kiss him, tingles shoot across my lips and the rest of my body. It's almost as if I shouldn't be doing this, and like it's the only thing I should be doing from now on.
I lift him up in my arms, never letting my lips leave his, and place him on the washroom counter. Enjoying the feeling of his butt in my hands while they were.
His little tongue explores mine as our breathing grows rapid, I bet anything that he's tingling all over too.
I take off his shirt revealing nice square pecs, nice well developed shoulders a tapered waist and a six pack and that I want to run my tongue over again and again.
I take my own shirt off , amazed that those deep brown eyes don't ever leave my face. He only seems to want to kiss me back despite my six foot 230 pounds of muscle body, hardened from a lifetime of playing football, strict diet and exercise routine that made every Men's Fitness like a warm up.
Not lying, the sparking, thrilling sensation every time we kissed and laid hands on each other was enough.
    It was thrilling. Intoxicating. And the best feeling I have ever felt.
"Your a good kisser," Mikey says eagerly. When we finally take a a second to breathe.
"So are you Mikey," I answer before we start making out again. My hands gingerly touching his well toned body, his hips - slowing making my way to his firm butt.
His hands explore my shoulders, my big pecs, firm and round from years of training, down to my abs that flex and bulge at his tingling touch. He must like my pecs for his hands are back on them, rubbing and resting partially on my nipples.
I can't hold it in anymore, he must be thinking the same thing because at the same time both our hands go for our waists.
We giggle at the same time, our lips resting on one another's. Are we really about to do this? I can't help thinking.
    As if reading my thoughts Mikey asks with a big grin, "are we really about do this?"
    "If your ready?" I ask. Begging in my mind that he doesn't say no. 
    In response he grabs me by the face and kisses me deeply. I grab our shirts off the counter, lift him onto my hips where the tingling nearly drives me insane, and head to the nearest stall.
"Fuck," I mutter as I fumble with my shorts, my hands nervous. Fingers feeling like sausages.
I'm glad Mikey doesn't seem to have the same problem. In a second his jeans and Fruit Of The Loom briefs are in a pile on the white tiles under my feet. The sight of his thin but beautiful looking cock is enough to make me precum. I rip my shorts and jock down off my legs, leaving my shoes on for the good traction it'll give me.
    He grabs my shoulders and climbs up, wrapping his legs around my waist tightly.
The tingles return in full force, goosebumps erupt over both our skin and I finally know that he's been feeling them as well. Both our smiles seem the light up the washroom stall, it doesn't matter to either of us that our first time together will be a cliché, an overwritten and overused scene. Not to us.

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