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I spun my tires on the asphalt of the school parking lot, making a satisfying squealing sound. My primal, alpha desires finally abated for the day.
I smirked at my own thought. Pulled into my parking spot, checked to make sure my bulge was under check grinning to myself and adjusting myself at the same time. Chad always put me in a good mood no matter what. Monday's were like Friday's when I was around him.
I checked my phone, five minutes till the second period and my first class of the day. And I was pumped. I had needed the the release that Chad had given me and I'm sure he was thinking the same thing. If not more.
Just as I walk through the schools doors my phone buzzes. I need to grab a few things from my office so I ignore it.
Even as I walk through the halls conversations from classrooms can be heard, too loudly, even for - especially for the first day back. Through one of the open doors I see a teacher talking on her cell phone so quickly that her lips are almost at blur status. I see a few kids leave their classes early.
"Hey!" I start to say but to my surprise more kids and teachers alike file unceremoniously out of classrooms.
What the hell is going on? I think to myself over the babble of all the talking.
"I wonder who it is?"
"How long did you think he could keep it up?"
"Cereno must be pissed!"
At the mention of Cereno I take out my phone. Like the rest of the town I was a big fan.
Shock ripples through me as I read the post.

Hey guys what's up?
Just wanted to let you know that Cereno has officially been hacked and until further notice will be going down for permanent maintenance until the real face of Cereno steps forward.
I know you'll all be watching.
And so will I.

I message Chad as soon as I'm done.
Babe. I'll stop in after work. X 😯😯
Finally the babbling makes more sense and I seem to catch more conversations than I mean to.
"Harper! Can I see you for a second?" The vice principal of the school shouts over the loud students voices.
My phone buzzes again along with everyone else's.


I didn't even finish reading the text, as people gasp around me I rush to Mr. Hall's office. He slams the door behind him.
"Where the fuck is the Stone? How am I supposed to handle Kittredge on a day like this?" He asks me. Refereeing to Jhon. The principal. He's never around, especially when trouble stirs. That's why he gets paid the big bucks I guess.
"No idea, I haven't seen or talked to him since the last day of school last year." I answer to Tim's back as he peeks through the blinds of his office door. Even in his office we can hear the din of students and staff alike discussing Cereno, and more than likely, his downfall.
Babe, the entire school has lost it. I may be seeing you sooner than you think. I type quickly, a niggling feeling of worry sets in when I realize that Chad hasn't answered my first text. He always answers. Especially when it concerned Cereno.
"Fucken pricks probably still in the city with one of his mistress'"
I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. Everyone knew that Mr. Hall and Mr. Stone had a thing.
"We're not!" He said at my look. Slamming the phone down on his desk. "Won't even pick up his damn cell or answer anyone's messages. He might as well be dead for all we know."
A chill went down my spine at his words. I've never seen Mr. Hall so upset.
"You gotta calm down Ben." I said. Just as a scream rings out in the hall.
We rush out. Two guys are fighting over wether or not it was Cereno himself who had sent the message.
The bigger of the two had the other guy pinned to the floor.
"Why-would-he-do-that!" He yelled with each punch.
I quickly pulled the guy off. "Office, NOW!"
The other kid was crying and shaking pretty bad so I helped him up and told him to go the the main office and get the secretary to call his parents.
If this was happening at Kittridge I couldn't help imagining what was going on in the rest of the world.
"Okay listen up!" I shouted out over the din. "Head to your next class immediately! Teachers hold classes as normal! Cereno isn't dead! And he's not the entire world so get back to class!"
I got a few dirty looks even from a few staff members at my last words. Even so it had to be said. The group of kids and teachers alike dispersed and moved on.
Dude. He's dead 💀. I texted Chad. He still hadn't messaged me back so I headed to the main office and told Mrs. Gains that I'd be taking the day off and to get Mr. Hall to sub my classes for the day. Chad never avoided me and I'm positive that he would have had something to say about the worlds leading site being shut down.
She tried to protest, I was always the best at keeping things under control at the school. Even more so than Hall or Stone.
But Chad was more important.

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