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I wiped the cum off my abs and thought about her for a little bit more before getting out of bed.
Olivia doesn't know it, but I've been in love with her before I was even alive. I know I sound mushy but it's the truth.
    To me Olivia embodied the word "woman". To to mention "smart," "sexy," "funny," and "cool."
    Not everybody thought of her that way but I did. And I thanked God everyday that I lived across the street from her. Since I was 12 I've been asking my parents to switch rooms with me, their window looked onto the street and right at what I knew was hers. But shit, if they ever did do that I don't think I'd ever leave my room. It was hard hard enough to now.
    Speaking of hard my erection still hadn't gone down so I walked to the washroom and took a cold shower. Stopping halfway through to switch to warm and shoot another load of Mrs. Olivia's Moore's future kids down the drain.
I got out of the shower and dried off, and thought about her in bed, a thought that made my balls tingle and slightly clench.
Since it was 6 AM she was probably sleeping. An aspiring Mr. Moore however, well he had to run six miles, do a full workout and squeeze in a fifteen hundred calorie breakfast.
After doing all that and another shower I said good morning to my Mom and headed for my room. I had just enough time to check out my favourite website, man that rocks.

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