lost baby boy

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"Huang Xuxi!!!" Xiaojun yelled

"Xiao Dejun!!!" Lucas yelled back, they glared at each other as they met face to face.

"Where the hell is my jersey?" they asked in unison

"Wait, why do you need your jersey? Aren't you a singer/idol now?" Lucas went kunfused.

"The management said I need to wear my former jersey for an event, why do you need yours? I thought they said that the game is next week?" Xiaojun raised his brow.

"We have practice too, you know? Now where is it?"

"I don't even know where's mine!" Then they started finding everywhere in the house but it's nowhere to be found. The two started to be frustrated.

"Aish! This wouldn't happen if you do the laundry 3 days ago!" Lucas blamed

"You're the one who is scheduled to the laundry, not me!" Xiaojun defended and then they started to fight about the schedules.

"Why don't we ask Kun then?!" Xiaojun crossed his arms

"Fine! If he said that it's you then you'll treat me a hotpo—" Lucas was cut off as they heard a loud noise outside. Lucas and Xiaojun looked at each other, their expressions changed.

They walked in their door and noticed that the noise is getting clearer, more like a baby's cry. Lucas opened the door and it revealed a crying baby boy inside a basket, covered in his blue blanket.

Both of their eyes widened, Xiaojun puts the baby inside their house before anyone else could witness. One wrong movement and it's going to have a big scandal for them.

Baby V • xiaocasWhere stories live. Discover now