Chapter 4

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Deku's P.O.V.

'Why didn't I take Eri when I had the chance? What was holding me back? And what was that look in his eyes? He seemed surprised, yet it was almost as if he was amused?'. I clentched my fists together in anger. "Deku!" Nighteye exclaimed, "I can understand your uneasy and frustration about this whole situation, but we need to keep a clear mind to figure out His next move". I looked at Nighteye "Yes Sir!" I said with a firm nod.

Looking at both me and Togata, he gave a big sigh. "Both of you did a good job today, though I know this isn't how you wanted your first day of patrol to be Deku, this is the outcome of today's little incident". "But Sir-" both me and Togata spoke at the same time, but I let Togato speak first.

"Sir, what about the little girl Eri? We can't just leave her! If you saw the way she held onto Deku, you would know how scared she was. And when Overhaul tugged at his glove, she ran over to him, like she was afraid of something he would do to us or her! She was covered in bandages!" slaming his hands on the table infront of us "WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!"

Standing up from his chair he walked over to the window looking down at the people passing by. "I undestand your fear for this girl as do I fear for her safety, but you two are my first priority, if what you say is true, which I don't doubt it for a minute, I'll call a meeting to gather the Heroes to try and save this little girl."

Walking over to Nighteye, I also stared at the people walking by. "Sir, I have this feeling that he isn't her father, but is using that title to throw us off, but I can't be sure yet, what I know is that she needs us. I wan to save her, I couldn't today, and I-" Nighteye put a hand on my shoulder "Want to be her hero. Just like All Might, he wants to save everyone. You two are alike in many ways. Don't worry Deku, We'll save her." I looked at Nighteye and he gave one one of very few smiles.

-Later that night-

Walking back to U.A's dormitories, I could help but feel like I'm being watched. 'it could be the League of Villians, I should be careful'. I began to walk faster to U.A. until I was sprinting. Seeing U.A. two blocks in front of me, I began run faster than before. I was one block away, getting ready to jump over the school to the dorms I felt something pierce my left leg causing me to fall down hitting my head against the ground hard.

"Dammit! what was that?" My eyes started to become heavy, I tried to walk towards the school, I was almost at the gate before my legs gave out. Before I passed out I felt my hair being stroked gently, but the next ten words terrified me to not end. "It's time for me to cleanse you my precious patient."~

My Precious Patient (Yandere Overhaul X Deku)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin