Chapter 19

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Dabi's P.O.V.

Hearing the others talk about their great success and how they are going to betray Overhaul which, knowing Shigaraki didn't surprise me at all. Leading against the wall, I had my arms crosses not really caring what they were saying. My mind wondered back to that encounter back at the battle my youngest brother and I had.

I remember the last time I saw him eleven years ago, was the day our mother burned his face because of the abuse from the so called number 2 hero. 'He's no hero at all. He abuses his wife and children. Acts like he has the perfect life being 2nd place. It's all his fault. It's his fault my brother was burned'.

I remember how excited he was when I would show him my quirk. He acted like it was the coolest thing in the world. Better than having a hero as a father. He would always hang around me, even after Endevour abused me, my little brother would be right by my side to give me a hug and comfort me. 

"Dabi! You've been staring off into space for the past 15 minutes, we've been talking. What is on your mind?" Shigaraki demanded. "Thinking about the fight I had with my youngest brother at the storage building." I waited for their response.

"So, your brother is friends with that brat? Well, if all turns out right, we may just have two new members." I looked at Shigaraki if a questioning look. "What do you mean by that?" What is he thinking of now? He better not do anything to my brother.

"Think of it, two sons of the number 1 hero are villians. Both of you hate Endevour right? You where his favorite person weren't you besides his mother. If he realizes your alive, and we have the Izuku brat, he will not doubt come to us". Shigaraki said with much confidence.

"Don't underestimate my brother. As a child, Endeavor never let him be around other kids, now that he has made some friends, he will do whatever it takes to protect them, even if it means his father will hate him. You underestimate his power." He inherited both our mother's and father's quirk.

I lifted one of my hands to start a flame in my hand "However" both of us are strong with our quirks, my fire surpasses Endevour's, but Shoto has both quirks which give him a great advantage. "Just because he is my brother, doesn't mean, I will show mercy to him". 

"Hmm seems as though even though you are still family and you care deeply for him, you won't turn your back on us Villains. Tell me again, why did you become a Villain like your uncle instead of a hero like your father.

"My father is no hero, he's a fraud." I said with no emotion. I could care less about what happens to him, but I will still try to protect Shoto, my little brother, as much as I can. 

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