Chapter 20

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Inko's P.O.V.

Sitting on my couch, I stared at the blank wall waiting for the phone to ring to tell me what has happened to my baby boy, my little sunshine. It has been so hard being a single mother, even after the plane accident with my beloved husband Hisashi died in.

Izuku reminds me so much of his father. Both hard workers, very stubborn but wear their hearts on their sleeves, once they have a goal, they will stop at nothing to achieve it. "I don't want to lose my baby as well. I can only take so much".

I jumped out of my seat when I heard the phone ring. Running to it, I picked it up as fast as I could without dropping it. "Hello? Hello!" My heart was racing "Is this Mrs. Inko Midoriya?" "That depends who's asking?" I wasn't sure if I could trust this man on the other end.

"My name is Nighteye, head of Nighteye Industry, your son works as an intern for me. If you are Mrs. Inko Midoriya, I would like to inform you that your son is now safe. He is currently in my office, he is in shock right now."

"Is he hurt? Please don't lie to me!" I heard  a sigh on the other end of the line. "Yes he is hurt, but he's not as hurt as he could've been if you hadn't given us the location. He has a few broken bones, one cracked rib, and has a mild concussion."

"Thank goodness he not dead! Thank you for saving him in time." My heart started to slow down slightly. "You have a very brave and strong son to be able to hold off 5 Villains at the same time. He is one of my great est interns. You should be proud." 

I couldn't help but sniffle a little. "Can I talk to my baby boy please?" I had to hear his voice at least once. "Of course, Deku its your mother" I waited intently on the other end to hear his voice.

"Mom?" I lost it when  I heard him call me mom "Oh Izuku baby, are you alright?" I listened to him chuckle but it seemed like it hurt "I'm a little on the beat up side, but I'll be fine once I get back to the school to recovery girl. I'm sorry I scared you."

"Oh no don't be sorry, you had nothing to do with this. I'm only sorry that I wasn't there next to you. I am so proud of you holding off five Villains by yourself. Not many heroes are able to do that. But you do need to be careful. And don't you worry about us moving to the States."

"But mom I thought that you-" Just like his father,looking out for me first. "Izuku, I appreciate you think about me, but I decided that we are not going anywhere until, you've become the best hero you wanted to be!"

"Really mom? Your not ouch!" I heard him groan "Careful of your ribs,we don't want them more damaged do we?" As smart as he is he is also pretty reckless. "He he your right mom. I love you and miss you!"

"I miss you too baby!" 

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