Chapter 21

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Eri's P.O.V.

I sat on the bed, slowly I brought my knees towards my small chest. The sound of the chain echoing through the room. Hiding my face between my legs, I started to cry. 'What happened to the nice boy? Is he hurt because of me? Did he kill him?' Hearing the door open I began to shake more knowing who it was.

"You shouldn't have run away Eri. You've caused me a great amount of trouble this time. Now that the heroes know of your existence, they wil come storming through this building killing everyone, and where will that leave you? Alone again. It will have been your fault, you will have killed us just like you killed your father."

I knew what he said wasn't true but it felt so true. Was it really my fault papa died? I am really a cursed child. "I-I'm s-s-sorry. I I messed up again at life!" I looked up at him, my caretaker while grandpa is sick. "Are they okay? D-Did you...." I couldn't finish the my sentence afraid of what the answer would be.

"No I didn't kill them in fact, one of them is here right now, but he is hurt because of you." I looked down in sadness, knowing that I once again caused pain for someone. "Which one?" I mumbled in my tear stained arms. "The one in green, Deku. Don't be sad, once he is healed, he'll leave."

"Can I see him? I want to say sorry for making trouble for him." I hurt the nice one, the one who held me like a daddy would, like how papa used to hold me. "Maybe if he is feeling good enough, I'll let you visit him". My heart lifted from the pit in my stomach knowing that maybe I'll have a real friend.

"Why are you so eager to see him." I have to choose my next words carefully. "Is he going to become my brother?" I said with much hope. 'Maybe he and the other hero can save me. But if they get hurt it will be my fault'. 

"Perhaps in time, but you still need to remember what you are. You are a cursed child that ruins everything good that comes into your life. You are evil". I nodded looking down. "I'll check on our young friend you stay here. You've already caused enough problems for me."

I heard him slam the door behind him as he left me in the dark cold room. I knew that I was evil, I was a curse, I was a monster. But I could only hope for the best, that the next day will be better, that instead of a dark rain cloud hanging over my head, I might one day, stand under the sun.

But those are only the dreams of someone else who is not me.

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