Chapter 22

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Nighteye's P.O.V.

It doesn't seem to add up. I would have one, expected the League of Villains to put up a better fight, and two actually show up instead of using clay figures to do their dirty work. What also doesn't add up is that Deku was supposed to go home that night but he didn't, next morning his mother calls saying that they were planning on going to the States, but doesn't tell her where he is until after the phone call Mrs. Inko Midoriya had with the principal.

It almost seems like it was a stage scene that was made for us to think that it was the League of Villains, when really, there is a greater mastermind as work. 'It couldn't be All for One, he's locked up for a life sentence in the looney bin.' There is a chance that Chisaki is working with the League, but he tends to do things his own style and the form reports from what the students have told me, the League doesn't like taking orders from others outside of the League.

"Perhaps my paranoia is catching up to me. I'm just over thinking things. The only thing that is important right now is that Deku is safe. I'll arrange a meeting with the Heroes tomorrow, for now I should just take a deep breath and rest. Tomorrow is a big day not only for me, but for everyone. Tomorrow, we think of a plan to save Eri".

Chisaki's P.O.V.

As soon as 'Deku' was safe at Nighteye Industry, I sent Mimic to listen in on Nighteye's next move knbowing that he would go there first before going to the authorities. "So, he plans on getting a warrent to invest this place. No doubt he looked into teh eyes of one of our men and saw the entrance."

"Overhaul, if they plan on stroming this place, we must move everything out. We will need a new place to-" Chrono began rambling about what our next move should be. Lifting my hand up to silence him, I explained the next phase.

"I am no doubt aware that we need to move, so the first things we will need is the old man, the girl, and the vials." She really has caused trouble this time. 

"And what about the boy? Will you be taking him with us?" I'm starting to think that Chrono might be doubting my leadership skills. "Yes we will, he will provide a useful advantage once we cleanse him of that fithly hero dream of his."

"Of course, I shall start packing right away Sir." Chrono left my office, shutting the door behind him. "Everything is coming together perfectly" I said picking up the White King from a chess board.

My Precious Patient (Yandere Overhaul X Deku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora