Chapter 26

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Chisaki's P.O.V.

After inserting a syringe with some GHB, I dragged Deku out of the old storage room down the halls to a room I had made specifically for him in case he pulled off a stunt like today. 'I'm actually happy that he tried to leave, makes his punishment more enjoyable at least for me.'

Normally I don't let my sadistic side come out but, sometimes I can't help it. Opening a hidden metal door that not even my most trusted man Chronos knows about but, I don't trust him enough to know that he won't try to take my little Deku from me. He still has to go through a lot of treatment s before he's fully cured.

Shutting the door behind me, I picked up my love carrying him to a wall that had shackles attached to it. Laying he down gently, I began to chain his arms above his head and his legs behind him. I know that his legs will fall asleep much easier, but he's strongest move is when he uses his legs.

Walking over to a small table, I looked through all my tools. 'White should I start with first? Do I want him to feel pain first or pleasure?' I heard him start to stir awake. "You know, you shouldn't be running around this late at night,you never know what kind of demons  or monsters roam at this time of night".

"L-like you?" He tried to sound tough, which made me laugh inside. He's really is so cute when he's trying to act like he's the strongest person in the room. "I am neither a demon or monster, but I can be your worst nightmare!" I walked over to him with a scalpel. "Now time for your punishment~"

Deku's  P.O.V.

Laying down on the cold floor, with him looking at my weakened state, I could still feel the blood drip down from my back and legs from his punishment. He took the clothes I was wearing saying it was a privilege that I had to earn. 'Why me? What did I do to deserve this?' I can still clearly see as I could feel how my punishment happened.

He used a scalpel to tear the clothes off my body, leaving he completely exposed to him to do whatever he wanted. I felt my eyes water up and let a tear fall down hearing the echo I could stop the others that followed behind. I felt completely disgusted with myself not because there was nothing I could do, it was because I actually had slightly enjoyed it.

I shuddered as my thought trailed back to the bite marks or 'Love Markings ' he placed on my neck, shoulders, and chest. "You did this to yourself Deku~" I bite my bottom lip to try to stop any sounds from escaping my mouth as he started to lick the blood that was dripping down my back.

'I can't give into him! I have to keep on fighting! I-' A small gasp escaped my mouth as he trailed his cold hand down from my neck to my abdomen in a slow seductive motion causing me to squirm slightly. "Looks like your excited for something~" His hand trailed down lower slipping his hand into my boxers.

"Pl-please st-st-stop" what was happening to me? Why do I feel weak when his next to me? "We'll have to continue this later, because we are going to the States tonight." He slipped his hand next to my inner thigh softly scratching it making me moan in pleasure.

"What? W-why?" He leaded closer to my ear blowing in it "Because tomorrow those so called heroes and Toga plan to save Eri tomorrow early in the morning so that's why we're leaving tonight~"

The End

of book 1

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