Chapter 16

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Shoto's P.O.V.

Meeting up with Eraser head, we four banged down the storage building doors to see Deku laying on the floor covered in blood and scratches struggling to get up, surrounded by the League of Villains. "This is the end of you hero!" a man with hands covering his body shrieked while reaching for Deku's face.

"Shoto!" "On it!" Eraser head, Nighteye, and Bubble Girl ran ahead to fight off the Villians while I created an ice wall, dividing the man from Deku. "Shoto, take Deku and leave this place!" Nodding quickly, I ran towards Deku. I was close to reaching him, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blue flame headed straight topwards me.

Out of pure instinct, I used my ice quirk at him blocking the flames, allowing me a few seconds to reach Midoriya. "Midoriya, ar eyou okay?" I asked as soon as I was next to him. "Y-yeah, I think so, but I hurt all over". He groaned at every word. 'He must really be hurt!' 

"Get on my back, I'll get us out of here." I watched as he struggled to stand up. Grabing his arms I pulled him on my back, running towards the door, only to be stopped by blue fire again. "He's not going anywhere! We have unfinished buisness!" 

Looking at where the fire came from, I saw a man about 6.2, wore all black, had burn marks on him, probably from his quirk, he had black hair, ovbiously dyed, but when I looked at his eyes, he reminded me of someone. Someone I knew a long time ago.

Glancing around, I saw the other pro heroes fighting the other members of the League of Villians. 'Looks like I won't be getting my hero's liecense this year'. "Sorry, but you'll have to schedule another appointment, your session is over." I said getting in my fighting stance.

"I would disagree!" He yelled running towards me with his hands on fire. "Midoriya, I'm going to make a ice slide for you to escape in. When, your out, run as fast as you can to Nighteye Industry, Togato is waiting there." Nodding he got off my back. "Ready? One, Two THREE!" I created the slide and pushed Midoriya on it as soon as the man in black shot a fire ball at me.

"Dammit!" He screamed at me, running towards the door. Using my ice I blocked the door, allowing Midoriya a chance to escape, the police to come, and stall this villian. "I'm going to kill you for that!" "Bitch like to see you try!"

That made him mad. 'I can only be on the defense with this guy' I thought dodging another attack from him with an ice wall. 'Damn this guy is good, but I can't let him get Midoriya' I thought as he shot another ball of fire at the wall.

"Hiding like a coward I see. Why don't you face me like a real man hero! Or did your mother not love you enough to tell you that you don't have what it takes" That triggered me. 'No one talks about my mother like that!' Activating my fire quirk I smashed the wall, causing him to fly into a wall.

Looking at the others, the Villains turned to clay after being hit. I watched as he fell, he started to melt to clay but before he hit the ground he called me by my name.

Enji Todoroki

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