Chapter 11

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She dreaded the night and the reality of what happened.

Severus was peacefully asleep by her side, with his hand wrapped around her waist as if he was afraid she might run away from him. Ana took a moment to admire his carefree features and how gorgeous he was. A strand of black-raven hair had fallen on his face and was covering his mouth, so Ana didn't resist the urge to tuck it tenderly behind his ear.

"What is worrying you, my love?" Severus' hoarse voice startled Ana. She assumed he was asleep.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

"I barely slept tonight, as you did," he replied, leaving her slightly shocked by his affirmation. She didn't notice he has been awake. And the fact that he knew something was worrying her, was truly scary. He could see right through her.


"What is wrong, Ana. You're restless; worried," he said, opening his beautiful dark-brown eyes for the first time that morning.

"What's not wrong, Severus? Everything is wrong," she tried to lie. "And I'm tired of it."

Severus eyed her suspiciously, knowing there was something else. He had noticed how strange Ana has been acting and he was certain it had nothing to do with the disease and her work. He felt it, as he felt all the distress she was feeling. Soul projection was responsible for such a connection, but it was also the fact she was his soulmate. Something he never believed in, but having Ana in his life had proved him wrong. Still, she was lying and he knew that very well.

However, he did not insist. He did not press her into telling him what's troubling her because he knew she'd tell him, eventually.

"It's Friday," Severus whispered. "Can we take the weekend off? Go home tonight?"

"That might be a good idea," Ana said. Being away from everything with Severus was something she looked forward to. "I'll meet you there after work. Alright?"

That was the end of the conversation that morning.

Severus took a shower and walked off to his classes and Ana decided to stay in the hospital wing, working with the nurses, trying her best not to think about what happened with Johnny. What the hell was wrong with him? Had he harassed her or did he actually intended on doing anything more serious? Obviously, she'd use her powers to defend herself, but during the time it was happening, Ana was too terrified to even think straight. She was shocked, afraid and she didn't want to return to the lab, even though she had to.

What was she going to do? Be quiet about it?

No, she said to herself. Being quiet about these things is not the key to stop it from happening.

Perhaps, before she could tell anyone or press charges against him, she could talk to him, make him see that he was acting wrong, or even threaten him. She might be able to put some sense back to him, or scary him enough that he'd go away from the lab and never return.

Wondering if she should tell Severus about what happened, Ana spent the morning in Hogwarts, trying to focus on her work. She even skipped lunch, which is something she never does when she's in Hogwarts because it's the only chance she gets to be with Severus during the day. But, eventually, Ana decided to put up her strong mask and strolled out of the hospital wing, determined to clear things up with Johnny. She didn't have to put up with such a mean person and whatever is happening to him, that made him act like that, it's not her fault and none of her business.

Otherwise, he'd have some serious problems on his tail.

She'd tell Severus that night. She had made that decision.

Fighting for love - Severus Snape fanfiction (BOOK TWO of A Magical Muggle)Where stories live. Discover now