Chapter 28

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Two days later:

"Oh, Ana, it's so good to see you!!! I was so worried about you," Alba hugged her friend as tight as she could. Something about Alba's gaze was heartening to Ana. She wasn't judgmental (considering Johnny, her partner and dear friend, was killed because of her), but she wasn't pitying her either. 

The story about what happened remained in complete secrecy. Ana, along with just a few members of the Ministry of Magic knew about the tragedy behind Ana's disappearance and about her near fate. Later, as her dearest people were informed about Ana being back, she couldn't disguise the fact that she was not well considering the fact that it was becoming too visible. The Weasleys and the Potters sent her letters, to which she replied explaining she had ingested a poison that was slowly killing her, without mentioning the facts behind the story.

However, Alba was the first person that traveled all the way back to London as soon as the news about Ana's returning started to spread. By Severus' request, Alba would be acquainted with what's happening to Ana, since she could also help Severus and the rest of the people working on a cure for her. Dreading the moment of her revelation, Ana invited Alba for a cup of tea, even though all Ana fancied was a couple of butterbeer or a nice cup of Whiskey - Severus was against it because of her degrading condition.

"Your hair looks amazing, but you look like shit. Where have you been?"

Ana honestly missed Alba's natural energy and, mostly, her lack of lady-like manners. Reasonably that's what she loved the most about the brunette - she says exactly what she thinks and she does not pretend to like someone she does not.

Ana smiled at Alba and gestured her to sit on the front porch's couch.

"I - I want to tell you everything, but the Ministry of Magic is against it. But I do have things to tell you and I will need your help. I will need you to come back to London and work with me in - uh - a personal project," Ana said.

Severus appeared at the front door with a tray of tea.

"I shall go for a walk," Severus said. "Good evening, Alba."

"Hey, you," Alba greeted him with an understanding smile. She was the few people that actually tried to help Severus find Ana or any clue about the reason why she vanished. They became acquaintances during Ana's absence, and Severus was somehow grateful that Alba was Ana's best friend at the moment. Ana is the kindest and smartest woman he had ever met, but Alba was a good woman too - someone he knew he could trust when it came to Ana's wellbeing.

Severus walked away with his hands in his dark blue cardigan after kissing Ana's forehead.

"Woah, he is changed. No more dark robes and he pronounced more than 1 word and a snort. That's evolution," Alba joked, causing Ana to chuckle.

"If, when I met him, someone told me I'd be here today, and he'd be the man he turned out to be, I think I'd die laughing," as the last words came out of her lips, Ana's smile vanished gradually. She was indeed going to die. 

After that horrible night in Hogwarts, after telling the truth to Severus, Minerva, and the Minister, she was basically forced to fight. No one allowed her to give up, even though she was absolutely sure her fate was predestined and there was no escape. All she wanted was to spend the remaining time of her life with Severus and her friends, leaving good memories and her mark so that everyone knows she was in their lives, even years after perishing. 

Severus refused to accept that. Minerva. Kingsley. The Weasleys. The Potters. Everyone who held her in the special place of their hearts.

"Something horrible happened to you," Alba thought out loud. "Didn't it?"

Fighting for love - Severus Snape fanfiction (BOOK TWO of A Magical Muggle)Where stories live. Discover now