The Party

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Not sure how to add stuff to the beginning/ end off books s o r r y I-

I'm really bad at first person view, so spare me 🥺🥺- yes I am the same person from AO3

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Shuichi POV

It was like every unsupervised high school party.

Drunk kids stumbling to the music that plays way too loud, the one person hiding in the bathroom, the handful of people on their phones, and the annoying couple upstairs.

Flashing bright lights and alcohol.

Everything smelled like vomit.


I'm only here because my date wanted me to come, and she has been in the bathroom for almost 10 minutes.

I look over to the bathroom door in time to see it open.

"Hey, Kaede!" I yell to her, waving my hand.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"Do i have to answer that question.. Shuichi, I'm going home. I'll see you at school on Monday, okay? Love ya!" Kaede chirped, walking to the door.

I watched her close the door then looked back down.

There it was, Kaede's purse.

Crap, she left it!

This has her wallet in it and everything- I stood up, and picked up the purse.

Quickly I made my way to the door, honestly glad to be out of that house.

My eyes scanned the streets for Kaede's car. No, no, no.. there it is!

I ran over to her car so she wouldn't drive off without it.

"Hey babe you forgot your-" I started.

I dropped everything in my hands.

Kaede was in her car making out with Rantaro Amami, another kid from our class.

Kaede told me she used to have a crush on him in middle school, but said she moved on- what a lie.

"H-Hey!" I yelled, trying to get their attention.

Rantaro looked shocked, and Kaede turned around also in shock.

"I thought you said you two broke up!" Rantaro screeched.

She told him what..?!

"Shuichi, it's not what it looks like I swear!" Kaede screamed, sitting up straight.

"No, I've seen enough!" I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face.

"Kaede, it's over." Those were the last words I said to her that night before running down the street, sobbing.

We have been dating for almost 2 years!

How long has this been going on?

Oh god.. oh god oh god.. Endless questions and thoughts filled my head.

It's just too much for me. I wanna go home..

I grab my keys, and get in my car.

Well, i didn't go home immediately.

I sat in my car and cried.

Cried like a baby for almost an hour.

I'm sure some of my drunk classmates saw me and laughed, but I was too upset to care.

Everything I've done up to this point was for Kaede, and she goes behind my back and gets with Rantaro.

It's like the past 2 years were for nothing, and I've lost those years of my life.

Eventually I decided I had tired myself out enough, and I headed home, and go instantly to my room, ignoring my uncle who was eager to know how the party was.

"Shuichi, you're home early? Was the party okay? Shuichi what's wrong? Are you crying? Why are you ignoring me?"

Too many damn questions I don't want to answer.

"I don't want to talk about it. I'm going to bed. Don't wake me up." I reply coldly.

I changed clothes, brushed my teeth and slept.

That's all I could do to make the pain go away.

Kaede took that pain away, but now she's gone and I'm on my own.

Dammit... I can rely on my dreams to get my mind off of it, but it's only a matter of time before I wake up..

I can feel myself drifting off.

Ignoring my concerned uncle pounding at my door.

Ignoring Kaede.

Ignoring Rantaro.

Then before I knew it, I drifted off into sleep.

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