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A/N My gf helped me write some of this bc school go brr, Shoutout to her! She's super talented but refuses to accept it! smh😳😔

(Rantaro POV)

Kaede wants me to meet her at some gas station. She lives relatively close by, so it's not a problem for her. Unfortunately for me, I had to take the bus here because I live so far away. It dropped me off at a stop, and i'm 30 minutes early.

I have to show up before Kaede, because she told me that little stalker lives close by too. I don't want her to be alone, just in case he does show up. I honestly doubt he will, he's probably at home feeling sorry for himself, or drooling over his photo album of Kaede or some weird shit.

To be honest, I kinda feel bad throwing him around- He's so weak and defenceless. It doesn't matter though, he deserves it and I don't have time to feel sorry for creeps like him. I will say, my wrist was hurting real bad after I slammed it on the locker before he moved out of the way. He's quick on his feet, I'll give him that.

I have nothing on me but 4 dollars, a lighter, and a half empty pack of Marlboro's. Might as well pass some time... I fumbled with the small lighter, my hands shaking very slightly. It's cold outside, and I didn't really think to take any extra layers. That was definitely a huge mistake.

These aren't even mine, just took them from my dad. He'd probably kill me if he found out I was smoking, but I don't even care anymore.

Clicking sounds fill my ears as I keep messing with the stupid lighter. Finally a spark, and then a flame. I grab one of the cigarettes, light it, and poke it in my mouth. It's early, and quiet outside. I just want to go home, so Kaede should hurry her ass up...

I won't leave her though, I need to make sure she gets home safely too. Again, just to protect her from that creep just in case he stops by to spy on her... or for any other reason. As long as he's close to her, he's a danger and needs to be watched.

I lean back on the wall, and watch the cars pass by. The air reeks of car exhaust.

A sketchy woman is throwing empty beer glasses near the sidewalk. The glass hits the ground hard, and shatters all over the place.

Kaede's not here yet. This sucks.

I stand in silence smoking for maybe about five more minutes before I hear someone approaching. Is that Kaede...? I turn my head to look at them, but they bolt back to the front of the gas station, like they were hiding. Is someone watching me? What the hell.. Uhh.. Gross...?

I'm not too worried about it, if anyone lays a finger on me I'll just punch them or something, this place is hella sketchy, so it would make a little bit of sense but still.

Something catches my attention- the person behind the wall is still there. I walk around the corner and I had to hold myself back from immediately punching their stupid face.

It was the stupid snotty eyed bastard, Shuichi Saihara. What are the fucking chances. I scream at him "Hey, you!" He froze and turned his head, he clearly just wanted to be left alone. His eyes widened as his awkward grin gave away how shocked he was.

He started running fast. Like he was running from death itself, which obviously, was about to happen. I began to chase after him, little fucking bitch isn't gonna get away again, not after how he treated Kaede. He started lacking, as I kept getting closer and closer. Almost..

I was able to get close enough to stick my foot in front of his, and trip him. He fell on the pavement, scratching his hands which started to bleed only slightly. The food he was carrying fell to the side, not damaged. He scrambled to get back up, but I pushed him back down. He's just too weak.

He deserves this, he's had this coming for years. Shuichi kept struggling to stand up, but I pushed him back down with my foot every single time. Why can't he just stay still! Ugh..

I'd finally had enough of him, and I pushed down harder and yelled "Stay down" directly into his stupid face. He froze and looked at me with cowardly eyes, he was sobbing like a child.

He squealed like a fucking baby, he was sobbing like fuck. Waterfalls in tears welled down onto the ground. I've had enough of his shit. I kneel down and bitch slap him across the face to shut him up, it's getting pretty annoying. At the same time though, it's satisfying to see him crying.

"Shut the fuck up." I snatch his phone from his pocket, and shove it in his face- "Unlock the damn phone, bitch." Shaking, he slowly unlocked the phone, and as soon as he did I snatched it right back from him.

I started with his photos- there's so many kirigiri photos, yet none of them are kaede. Did he fucking delete them or... Instead I look through his texts- he doesn't fucking relabel the contacts and uses the flushed and pensive emoji a lot, what the hell? There were only a few contacts named- Uncle, Maki and.. One was named "stinky bitchass kaede 😭😭😭" tHAT bITCH-

I looked through them and it wasn't even Shuichi begging to stay, it was... Kaede?

"gIvE mE baCk mY pHOne!!" Shuichi screamed at me. "You rotten avocado, gEt oFf!" He flailed around, and reached his arm up to grab his phone back. "Th-that's mine! You're invading mY privacy! I swear- I never did anything to kAeEdEEEEEeeEEe!!"

I pushed him back down, again. "Shut uP! I-I don't believe you!! CreEp!!" No matter how much I tried to refute his words, It was clear, Kaede was pulling some real shit now, and I fell for it. Shit. He was right, she really is a stinky bitchass w h o r e. Making me beat up this wimp for nothing. "I neEd to go SoMewheRe riGht noW aAAa-!!"

I let him go- He grabbed his shit, and started running away as fast as he could, i'm assuming back home. Whatever... Back to his mommy or something. My cigarette was dead, so I started heading back to the gas station. I threw it away in a trashcan.

Kaede should be here any minute now. I'll have to ask her about it.

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