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(Shuichi POV)

The first thing I heard that morning was the loud ring of my alarm clock. Ugh.. It's Monday. I really don't want to go back to school- Rantaro said he's gonna beat my ass, and I'm not exactly sure why.. I get up, and start getting ready for the day. I open my phone.

Three more messages? Jesus. They were all similar to the ones from last night. I turn off my phone, and put it in my backpack. Hopefully when I get to school I'll understand what is happening. Maybe it's all a big joke? I doubt it. Think positive..!

Leaving my room, I head to the kitchen. My uncle isn't here, so I'm assuming he already left for work. I put my bag down on the floor under the table, and make my way over to the cabinet to get a coffee mug. I've sold my soul to coffee, there is no going back 😌😌.

I eventually get the coffee machine to work, and I sit down at the table while I wait for it to be done. The coffee machine is not the most new, so it takes a hot second.

(Yes pun intended) Yawning, I get up to gather the rest of my stuff. I grab my keys off the wall and a few extra pencils because for some reason midway through the school year pencils just vanish..?

Grabbing the coffee mug, I get my bag off of the floor and leave the house. I get in and start my car, and I drive to school. The drive lasted about 15 minutes- I don't live that far away, but it's still a decent amount of time. I pull into the school parking lot, and find my spot.

I gather my stuff and head inside the building, pulling my hat down to cover my eyes a bit more. I have absolutely no idea what I'm walking into. The second I walked into the doors I felt eyes watching my every move. What's going on...

Trying to ignore the whispers and stares, I go to my locker to get a book for my next class. I mess with the lock for a bit before it finally opens.. 1-1-0-3-7... there! The second I open my locker I see someone's hand out of the corner of my eye which slams it shut right in my face. The sudden sound of a slamming locker makes me jump.

I turn around to see who it was. Rantaro again. Of course. "Hey Rantaro..." I say, looking to the side. I don't want to make eye contact with him. Rantaro laughs in response. "You're just going to act like nothing has happened?" he laughs teasingly.

"I-I'm not entirely sure what y-you mean, I'm really confu-"

Before I could finish my sentence I see him raise his hand and before I could stop him he had already slapped me. Damn he's strong. Ow.. He picked me up by the collar of my shirt, pushing me up against my locker.

"Listen here you little freak." He growled, trying to keep his voice down. I closed my eyes. "Meet me behind the gym after school." He said, tightening his grip on me. "I'm going to beat your ass for what you've done to Kaede. Don't be late and you better show up."

He finally let go of me, and started walking away. Please say nobody saw that, please.. I slowly opened my eyes. People were staring at me, while some were staring at Rantaro as he left. Some people looked away as soon as I opened my eyes, but I still know they saw everything. Well this is embarrassing...

Collecting myself, the realization came back to me that I was going to have to fight Rantaro..? I've never been in a fight before.. And Rantaro looks like he could easily send me to the nurses office. Damnit, what am I going to do... I grab the rest of my books and lock my locker. Looking down, I start heading to my next class.

What am I going to do.. Crap.. If I don't go he's going to murder me and then spit on my dead body, but if I go I'm going to get the shit beat out of me. Lost in thought, I didn't notice the boy in front of me walking in my direction, also not paying attention.

I knew he was there when I tripped over him though. Paper flew everywhere, and I heard a shriek from under me. "Oh my g-god, I'm so sorry!!" I apologize, getting off of the boy. He nodded, sitting up. He had messy purple hair and pretty purple eyes, and his expression was a mix of fear and surprise.

Oh god, I think I scared him- well I did just fall over him. I start picking up his stuff for him, trying to make the situation at least a little better. I keep 'I'm sorry', I really do feel bad. At last I collected all of his things and helped him up. I look down, and hand him his stuff.

"Again, I-I'm sorry.." I repeat. "I-It's okay don't w-worry about it.." The boy replies, taking his stuff. "Th-Thank you.." he says, smiling a bit. I looked up. He still looked a bit surprised... "I should go.." I say, heading to class.

...Who was that boy and why was he so polite to me unlike everyone else..?

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