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(Shuichi pov)

The rest of the day went by like a blur. Every class started and ended, and like that the school day was over. As I get up to collect my things, I remember what Rantaro told me this morning.

I stare at the wall for a while, tightening my tie every once in a while. I tend to do that when I'm nervous, it's a bad habit.

Oh god, I don't want to fight him... I don't feel like getting beat up today.. Maybe tomorrow...?

Bringing my attention back to the current world, I get up and I shove various papers and school supplies into my bag. I should leave before Rantaro finds me... Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I get up and run to my locker so I can get my keys.

School ended about ten minutes ago, so I expect Rantaro to be looking around for me somewhere.. damnit, I should have left at least five minutes ago! I need to space out less... The second I open my locker, I grab my keys and I slam it shut. I'm leaving right now.

I turn around to put my keys in my bag, and that's when I see Rantaro around the corner- with Kaede? Uh oh. I've been telling myself to run for the past minute but I think now is the time to run. Kaede points to me, and Rantaro starts darting in my direction. Almost dropping my bag, I start running down the halls to the door.

Once I can get to the door I'm safe, right? I hope... The door.. The door... That's all I am focused on. The door keeps getting closer and closer, but so do Rantaro's footsteps. At last, I extend my arms and crash into the door, finally making it outside. I slam the door shut to buy myself a little more time.

Now I need to get to my car... I grab my keys, and start running again. I remember where my spot is, I usually park there every day for school unless someone else decides to get there first. I frantically click the unlock button on my keys, and I sprint to my car, Rantaro pretty close behind me.

I swing open the door, jump in, and slam it shut. Ah, at last, I'm safe- oH WAIT, lock the door!!! I turn to lock the door, my eyes meeting Rantaro's at the window. He attempted to open the door, but I was faster, and locked it first. Hey, I guess I'm lucky today... Rantaro glared at me, still at the window of the car.

Kaede eventually showed up, standing next to Rantaro. She tried to open the door, but of course she couldn't- it's locked. She tried again and again. Her efforts were pointless, and I smiled at her in victory. Kaede was not happy. That's when she spit on my car window. Ew..? Gross.

Rantaro went to the window closest to me and started pounding on it. For a second, I was dead afraid he would break the glass. Stop stop stop stop stop... I closed my eyes. Please go away, please... I want them to disappear- not off the planet, that's mean, but just disappear from this situation. Disappearing myself wouldn't be too bad as well, I could avoid this whole situation.

I want to go home... I want to just finish my homework and sleep. Maybe finish that book I was reading... A loud sound brought me back to reality- rocks. Rantaro threw a pretty good sized rock at my window, and left with Kaede. They gave up, at last.... I looked over at the window to check the damage. Of course he cracked it- fantastic. Something else I need to deal with.

I grab my keys, and start the car. I need to go home. I sat in silence for a while, before I decided to turn on the radio. Music is nice... I really like music. Chill music is the best, I'm not a big fan of rock though- some rock songs can be great though. I think that chill and relaxing music just makes me feel calm, and right now being calm is important.

The drive home was silent. Well, except for the music. I'm driving alone, so there wasn't really anyone to talk to. There weren't a bunch of cars on the road which was quite strange, but I'm not complaining. About fifteen minutes later, I arrived back home.

I lock my car door, walk up the stairs, unlock the door to the house, go inside- you know. The basic shit, not really interesting. I noticed that everything was the same as how I left it. I guess my uncle's not home again, oh well. He has an important job, so I understand.

I go straight to my room, and work on schoolwork for the next hour or so. Again, there wasn't much work assigned tonight because we have a break coming up. It's nice not having to work on school shit for four hours straight to the point I wonder if all of it is even necessary. Like, I don't need to memorize every meaning to every sentence in Romeo and Juliet if I don't want to do anything in a field related to that.

School is important of course, but there is so much work. School at school, school at home. Barely any time to do what I want anymore. Thank god for breaks. I get up, and pack my work away in my bag for tomorrow. I'm terrified for tomorrow. I made Rantaro and Kaede really mad...

I should have sucked it up and gotten my ass beat today, because tomorrow? It's going to suck even more. I doubt Rantaro will let me run my way out of this one. It's okay I guess, I deserve it, i brought this upon myself in the first place, if only I just stayed at school.

I stand back up, and catch a glance outside. The sun is already setting...? That was fast. I sit and watch the sun set for a while. It's really pretty. I like all the colors in it. The red, orange, yellows and pinks and purples, which eventually turns dark blue, and so on and so on. I feel like an old person staring at the sunset, but oh well.

It's peaceful. I like it when it's peaceful, I've learned that about myself. This whole school situation is too much for me. It's stressful, I hate it so much. I didn't even do anything... God. Best I can do now is wait for the drama to die down. Then maybe things can feel peaceful again.

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