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Shorter chapter, but I felt really bad for leaving this sitting for so long!

I promise I'm just working on my comic, it's super fun so far :'D

I think I'll cut out the less important chapters in the comic to make it go by faster!
I had so much fun writing this!

I may just keep writing until the story is over, so you won't have to wait up on my slow ass to finish drawing my 7262827272827th frame haha ☺️

(Kokichi POV)

A small bell jingled as I pushed the door to the new boba place open. The walls were a light beige, while the ceiling was painted black. Lights made to look like clouds strung the ceiling, and a brown counter was located in the back right of the store.

I awkwardly stood to the side so Maki and Shuichi could enter the building. Maki started to examine the menu on the wall, looking through the options. There was an overwhelming amount of flavors for the various kinds of drinks- Honeydew, strawberry, plum, peach, mango, so on...

Maki whispers something to shuichi, which makes his expression quickly change to a more stressed one. "Nonono, you don't have to-" Shuichi silently exclaimed, waving his hands around in front of him. "What's going on..?" I ask, joining them under the menu.

Maki smiled softly and gently shook her head. She brushed some hair out of her face with her finger. "Since it's Shuichi's birthday, the expenses are on me! I just got a bunch of cash from taking care of my neighbors cat, and I have no problem spending a little money on you."

Shuichi looked flustered. He looked down and quietly tugged at the trim of his sweater. "You really don't have to, I don't want it to be too much of a bother..!" Maki shook her head once again. "Just accept it as part of your gift, Shu."

Shuichi looked back up with a small sigh, finally giving in. I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out a thousand yen. It was really crinkled, I think it's been in my jacket pocket for a long time. Papa gave it to me because I helped him with some yard work, and I guess I never got the time to actually use it. Today's the day..!

I tried to flatten out the bill, and quietly approached the counter, my dress shoes making the occasional very soft clicks. I like these shoes. They're clogs, so they make me taller. Shuichi and Maki are quick behind me, and the employee hops up to the counter ready to take my order.

I awkwardly stutter out my order, and let shuichi make his, then after him, Maki. She ended up paying for both of us in the end. So much for using the thousand yen. I quickly shove it back into my jacket pocket.

We stood by the counter until the employee returned with our drinks. She smiled and wished us a good rest of our day, which we returned to her. We took our drinks, and Maki took the lead. She opened the door to the entrance of the shop, the 'goodbye bell' jingling on our way out.

She sat down at a small table outside, and signaled us to come join her. There were three seats at the table, so it worked out perfectly in the end! I plopped down in the chair, soon followed by shuichi who sat down next to me.

It all felt so... formal. Maki started out by talking about how much she liked video games, which she ended up giving shuichi a few recommendations. Hollow Knight, Pokémon sun and moon (which was very specific, but she said she really liked the island feel to it), the new Animal Crossing game (again, with the island feel), and some horror visual novel that surrounds a literature club. I already forgot the name.

Maki is a little scary sometimes, but seeing her open up about her interests was almost like a whole new look on her. I can tell she's happier when she's around friends. I don't know her very well yet, but I've seen Shuichi eating lunch with her at lunch a lot. I've never really had close friends, so I'm really excited to get to know her better.

We spent the next twenty minutes discussing our interests, here's what I remember-

Shuichi and Maki really like Danganronpa. I also like danganronpa!!
Already something we all have in common!

Shuichi likes to doodle, but he's claimed he's not the best at it. As long as he enjoys it, I don't think it really matters if his doodles are good or bad.

Maki likes to experiment with makeup sometimes! She'll have to teach me sometime how to use makeup, I suck ass at it.

In no time, we had all finished our drinks. We threw away our trash, and started walking back down to the park where we had met up earlier.

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